A dark theme for Emacs inspired by grandshell-theme and leuven-theme, using the FlatUi colors. It also has support for using variable-pitch-mode
in conjunction with org-mode
You can install the theme using the packages on MELPA, see the Getting Started page for instructions for adding the MELPA repository to your configuration. Then use M-x package-list-packages
, select flatui-dark-theme
from the list by pressing i
, then press x
to execute the changes. At that point, the package will be installed.
In Emacs24 you can just use M-x customize-themes
to select themes.
If you want to load the theme in your .emacs
or similar you can add:
(load-theme 'flatui-dark t)
;; Optionally turn on variable fonts for org-mode
;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'variable-pitch-mode)
and the theme should be loaded and activated on startup.