eBirthday Calculator takes your birthday and calculates the day of the week that you were born and then depending on your gender the results will give you your Akan Name. Akan names are derived from Ghanian culture. Frequently in Ghana, children are given their first name as a 'day name' which corresponds to the day in the week they were born.
Maryanne Njuguna
Clone this repository to a location in your file system.
git clone https://github.com/themaryanjuguna/eBirthday-calculator.git
Open terminal command line then navigate to the root folder of the application.
cd eBirthday-calculator
on your Browser.
HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript
At the moment no bugs have been detected, however feel free to report any typos or rookie mistakes via the contacts provided below.
If they run into any issues or have questions, ideas or concerns. Please email themaryanjuguna@gmail.com, I'll appreciate any kind of feedback. My Twitter/Facebook/Instagram handles @themaryanjuguna