For 2024 Titanium Network Proxathon. Theme: Minimalism.
- No search HTML search bar (URL bar used)
- Includes 'Minimizer' Script to allow frontend to be compressed.
- Tiny (Very small size when fully minimized)
- Undetected toggleable adblock
- Secondary Minimal proxy that removes JS to allow easy browsing of simple static pages
- UV Speed boosts with improved XOR functions (default encode: ~350ms, default decode: ~320ms -- improved encode: ~170ms, improved decode: ~250) This effect is only noticable on larger sites.
- Use of hapi instead of expressJS & http server for better overall performance and latency.
git clone
cd hyprmin-proxy
npm i
npm run prod
(if you want only minification:npm run minify
or nonenpm run start
- As a server admin you can configure your server inside the index.js file, to disable no bloat proxy change nobloatproxy_enabled to false and your UV config is avalible at
path: "/uv/{param*}"
edit the modifiedConfig uv$config.
- @ohonbob on discord