We used nnUnet v1, which at that moment was the latest one. Currently, there is an improved version nnUnet v2
Install nnUNet from link. Install it as integrative framework (-e) because we will need to modify some files later:
git clone https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet.git
cd nnUNet
pip install -e .
We need to comply with the requirements of the data provided in link
Important notes:
Please make your custom task ids start at 500 to ensure that there will be no conflicts with downloaded pretrained models!!! (IDs cannot exceed 999)
The image files can have any scalar pixel type. The label files must contain segmentation maps that contain consecutive integers, starting with 0: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... num_labels. 0 is considered background.
example (link) is used as a template to convert the data from 2d to pseudo-3d.
Note: Task120_Massachusetts_RoadSegm.py
deals the situation when the output(labels) are only available for some of the images by doing a join (Line 63/64)
In order to use the Task120_Massachusetts_RoadSegm.py
. First, change the structure of your data to and convert labelled image to one channel:
├── training/
│ ├── input/
│ │ ├── img1
│ │ ├── img2
│ │ ├── img3
│ │ (...)
│ └── output/
│ ├── img1
│ ├── img2
│ ├── img3
│ (...)
└── testing/
├── input/
│ ├── img1
│ ├── img2
│ ├── img3
│ (...)
└── output/
├── img1
├── img2
├── img3
Note: the label and image names should be the same in input/
and output/
: it converts the label images to 1 channel
: it convert the data to the structure necesesary to be used by Task120_Massachusetts_RoadSegm.py
python convert_label_1_channel.py -j convert_label_1_channel_5000_v3.json
python stucture_data.py -j structure_data_5000_v3.json
and Task501_BloodVessel_extra_test.py
will make the tranformation from png to nifti files to data. Thse files are based on Task120_Massachusetts_RoadSegm.py
These files can be found in /scripts/conversion_to_nifti
In order to be able to run Task500_BloodVessel.py
, the following variables need to be defined, according to link.
export nnUNet_raw_data_base="/home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_raw_data_base"
export nnUNet_preprocessed="/home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_preprocessed"
export RESULTS_FOLDER="/home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_trained_models"
nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 500 --verify_dataset_integrity -pl3d None
According to library repository:
will populate your folder with preprocessed data. You will find the output in nnUNet_preprocessed/TaskXXX_MYTASK. nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess creates subfolders with preprocessed data for the 2D U-Net as well as all applicable 3D U-Nets. It will also create 'plans' files (with the ending.pkl) for the 2D and 3D configurations. These files contain the generated segmentation pipeline configuration and will be read by the nnUNetTrainer (see below). Note that the preprocessed data folder only contains the training cases. The test images are not preprocessed (they are not looked at at all!). Their preprocessing happens on the fly during inference.
should be run at least for the first time the command is run on a given dataset. This will execute some checks on the dataset to ensure that it is compatible with nnU-Net. If this check has passed once, it can be omitted in future runs. If you adhere to the dataset conversion guide (see above) then this should pass without
nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2 500 FOLD
Scripts can be seen in: /scripts/scripts_nnunet/commands_all.sh
Note: there was error nnU-Net training: Error: mmap length is greater than file size and EOFError
. According to (Link)[https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/nnUNet/blob/master/documentation/common_problems_and_solutions.md#nnu-net-training-error-mmap-length-is-greater-than-file-size-and-eoferror], the files .npy should be deleted.
From documentation:
Note that per default, inference will be done with all available folds. We very strongly recommend you use all 5 folds. Thus, all 5 folds must have been trained prior to running inference. The list of available folds nnU-Net found will be printed at the start of the inference.
Therefore prediction is using ensemble of the 5 folds:
nnUNet_find_best_configuration -m 2d -t 500
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nnUNet_predict -i /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task500_BloodVessel/imagesTs -o /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/test_pred/v3 -t 500 -m 2d 2>&1 | tee output_pred_v3.txt
(time CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nnUNet_predict -i /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task500_BloodVessel/imagesTs -o /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/test_pred/v3_rep -t 500 -m 2d ) 2>&1 | tee output_pred_v3_rep.txt
python convert_label_1_channel_extra_test.py -j convert_label_1_channel_extra_test.json
python structure_data_extra_test.py -j structure_data_extra_test.json
python Task501_BloodVessel_extra_test.py
nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 501 --verify_dataset_integrity -pl3d None
nnUNet_predict -i /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task501_BloodVessel/imagesTr/ -o /home/pcallec/nnUNet_blood-vessel/results/extra_test_pred/ -t 501 -m 2d 2>&1 | tee output_pred_extra_test.txt
: Process metrics for validation and testProcessing_results_blood-vessel_v3.ipynb
: Generation superimposed images for validation and testProcessing_results_nn-UNet_blood-vessel_extraTest.ipynb
: Generates superimosed images and calculate metrics for extra test.