- Adding Repo Source.list
- Installing Package
- Editing .zshrc
- Edit command_not_found_handler
- Updating commands.db
To add this repository to your NeoTerm setup, follow these steps:
Open NeoTerm on your device.
Run the following command to edit the sources.list file:
nano $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/theworkjoy.list
Add the following line at the end of the file:
deb [trusted=yes] https://repo.theworkjoy.com/ neoterm extras
Save the changes by pressing Ctrl + O, then press Enter. Exit the editor with Ctrl + X.
Update the package list by running:
pkg update
Now, you have successfully added the repository to your NeoTerm sources.list.d/ directory.
pkg install command-not-found-neoterm
This is the minimal you need in a .zshrc file for this to work properly
source /data/data/io.neoterm/files/usr/etc/zsh_command_not_found
nano $PREFIX/etc/zshrc
Then comment out every line if you wanna keep this file or just:
rm -rf $PREFIX/etc/zshrc
Last but not least, run:
pkg update
This will update the commands.db with your packages commands.