My projects for the Google IT Automation with Python certification
After learning the basics of Python it was required that we created a filter from any given String and filter certain words and symbols and after all the filtering print out the dictionary in a Wordcloud. You will find the Jupyter Notebook with the assignment and the .txt book The Life of Abraham Lincoln that I used.
The bash script reads the files from the data/list.txt, stores it in a file (tempFile.txt) and the reads it to a variable where it goes through the files in the directory and checks if they exist.
The python script reads the result file (oldFiles.txt) and then renames each one of them from jane to jdoe.
It will read the logs and generate two csv files based on the user counter and error counter on each line of the log file.
This CSV file contains how many times each user appears on the info and error messages from the logs.
This CSV file contains the types of errors on the logs file and the number of each occurrence.
This script executes the assignment. It reads all the icons in the image folder, rotates it 90 degrees clockwise, resizes to 128x128 and saves it on a different folder: "/opt/icons/"
This script reads the text files from the desired location, creates a dictionary and appends the line to a certain key and then sends the dictionary as a JSON using the POST method to the assigned URL.
Fixes a minor error on the default code and adds the kiwi row, generates the PDF and sends through email.
Reads the cars .json file and tries to find:
- Calculate the car model which had the most sales.
- Calculate the year with the most sales. After doing all that it generates a PDF with all the desired information and sends it via email.