This is a KnockoutJS extender that provides infinite scroll functionality to an observable array by automatically filtering it down to only the items visible on screen. It was developed to display and scroll various long lists of complex items on, such as the main items list, the friends list and the categories list.
###Example Fiddle:
The example fiddle shows the simplest implmentation of this component, see the next sections for important in-practice tips.
###Scale to Thousands of Items### There is an important technique that allows this to scale to many thousands of complex items. Say we were working with a Pinterest style layout, where items with heavy content are floated next to each other forever. When items scroll out of view, we can unload their expensive contents (images, comments, styling, etc.), while keeping the top-level containers to maintain document structure:
<!-- ko foreach: filteredItems.infinitescroll.displayItems -->
<article class="main-item">
<!-- ko if: $index() >= $root.filteredItems.infinitescroll.firstVisibleIndex() -->
<!-- * * complex expensive content * * -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
We compare $index to firstVisibleIndex and only render the contents of items that are actually visible on screen. This way users can scroll through many thousands of items without any performance issues, since the majority of the containers will be empty and light-weight.
bower install git://
###Run tests
Install dependencies:
- install node.js
npm install -g bower
bower install
npm install
Run tests: npm test
coverage report in html is in coverage/
#####Don't hesitate to ask questions in issues, or star the repo if you like it!###