A router for Rack applications.
While it can be used as a micro-framework, it's primarily and focused purpose is http request routing.
angus-router doesn't handle unregisterd routes, it doesn't provide a template rendering mechanism, and so on. Those features should be fulfilled at framework level.
Routes are registered with #on method.
router.on(:get, '/hello') do
[200, {}, ['Hello']]
#route receives a Rack environment, lookups for a route matching the request's path and invokes the corresponding block.
If no matching registered route, a NotImplementedError
is raised.
Supported HTTP methods:
- get
- post
- put
- delete
- head
- options
- patch
- trace
# config.ru
require 'angus-router'
router = Angus::Router.new
router.on(:get, '/') do
[200, {}, ['Index Page']]
router.on(:get, '/hello') do
[200, {}, ['Hello']]
router.on(:get, '/hello/:dude') do |env, params|
[200, {}, ["Hello #{params[:dude]}!"]]
run ->(env) { router.route(env) }
Install angus-router as a gem.
gem install angus-router