Embedded programmers often face the task to insert a checksum into binaries after linking. A bootloader can then verify the checksum before allowing a firmware update or running the program.
is a small python script that can insert version control
information and checksums into ELF or binary firmware images.
The tool will search for two 16 byte markers in the firmware image and fill in a structure with the current git or subversion id, a checksum, and build time information. The checksum is forged, so that running a CRC32 check over the entire image will yield the requested checksum.
#include <stdint.h>
struct version_info {
char vcs_info_start[16];
// set by add-version-info.py
uint32_t image_crc;
uint32_t image_start;
uint32_t image_size;
char vcs_id[32];
char build_user[16];
char build_host[16];
char build_date[16];
char build_time[16];
// set at compile-time
char product_name[32];
int major;
int minor;
int patch;
char vcs_info_end[16];
extern volatile const struct version_info version_info;
void print_version_info(int verbose);
#include "version.h"
volatile const struct version_info version_info = {
.vcs_info_start = VCS_INFO_START,
.product_name = "add_version_info example",
.major = 1,
.minor = 2,
.patch = 3,
.vcs_info_end = VCS_INFO_END
void print_version_info(const struct version_info *v)
"%s v%d.%d.%d %s %s %s\n"
" Compiled %s %s by %s on %s\n"
v->major, v->minor, v->patch,
v->build_date, v->build_time,
v->build_date, v->build_time,
v->build_user, v->build_host
void main(void)
# Link: create ELF output file from object files
@echo Linking: $@
$(CC) $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) --output $(basename $@).tmp
@echo Post-processing: $@
add-version-info.py -v $(basename $@).tmp $@