This web application is built using python, streamlit, python enabled html, Nivo Chart and mui.
- Generate insights to the tabular data, you can upload your CSV file and ask any question about it.
- Text to SQL
- Text to Chart/Graph
- The Graph that has been created is draggable and resizable
Current supported chart types:
-Bar Chart
-Line Plot
-Scatter Plot
-Swarm Plot
-Pie Chart
To start using the repository, first clone the project into your local pc
git clone
Next, open the file location in any Python IDE, I highly recommend PyCharm. Then, navigate to the folder > .streamlit (as shown in the picture below), create a file called secrets.toml
Within secrets.toml file add your OpenAI API key into the file (as shown below). This will allow streamlit to pick up the secrets.
gpt_secret = "<YOUR-API-KEY>"
Once done, install the requirements for the project.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the application. Within the terminal of the IDE do:
streamlit run
Access the site using: http://localhost:8501
Please feel free to contribute to the repository.
Fork the application, make edits and perform a pull request.