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Zero-OS Bootstrap Webservice

This web service will provides dynamic construction of iPXE scripts for booting and bootstrapping Zero-OS kernel images.


The most simple endpoint is the plain text version:

  • /ipxe/: generate an iPXE plain text script to boot

You can generate a bootable image with a bundle boot-script via:

  • /iso/: generate a bootable ISO file
  • /usb/: generate a bootable USB image file
  • /uefi/: generate an UEFI bootloader file
  • /uefimg/: same as above, but an image to be dd'd to an usb stick for UEFI boxes
  • /krn/: generate directly-bootable kernel

Static target:

  • /krn-generic: build a generic ipxe kernel, with our SSL certificates authorized
  • /uefi-generic: build a generic ipxe uefi bootable image, with our SSL certificates authorized
  • /krn-provision: build a generic ipxe kernel, calling our provisioning endpoint with nic mac address
  • /uefi-provision: build a generic ipxe uefi bootable, calling our provisioning endpoint with nic mac address
  • /kernel/[name]: provide the kernel (static file)


All endpoints (except /krn-generic/ and /kernel/ which are static) accepts more optional arguments:


Target can be one of the following, to specify in which environment kernel boots:

  • prod: production environment
  • test: testnet environment
  • dev: devnet environment
  • qa: quality-assurance special dedicated network

These networks are configurable via the file. The dictionary pointed by runmode should contain a short keyword and define a long pretty name.

By default, theses default network have new links inside kernel-net-path config location. This directory should contains files called prod.efi, test.efi, dev.efi and qa.efi. Theses files will be used as default kernel per network.

This introduce flexibility about kernel update and allow different kernel to serve differents network, so 'testnet' can use a test kernel while 'prod' stay stable. In order to update kernel, it's easy when using symlinks (prod.efi can -and should- be a symlink to the current kernel version).

Any [argument] are optional, but are ordered and dependants (eg: you cannot provide extra argument without providing farmer-id network)

Theses are valid endpoint example:

  • /ipxe/prod
  • /ipxe/test/1234
  • /ipxe/dev/5550/console=ttyS0


Extra Argument

Everything set on the last argument will be forwarded as-it to the kernel argument. You can set spaces, etc.


To speedup ISO and USB images creation, the script will use a iPXE-template directory which contains a pre-compiled version of the sources.

To pre-compile code, you can run the setup/ script. This will prepare the template and put it on /opt/ipxe-template.

In order to compile correctly the sources, you'll need (ubuntu): build-essential syslinux liblzma-dev libz-dev genisoimage isolinux wget dosfstools udev


Clients can be provisioned on the runtime using a database, you need to create the database, even if it's empty. Just run: cat db/schema.sql | sqlite3 db/bootstrap.sqlite3


This is a Flask web service, just run the server file. On ubuntu, you'll need python3-flask.

Kernel images will be served from kernel directory. Images are in form: zero-os-BRANCH-ARCH.efi


You can customize the service by editing

  • base-host: http web address (eg:
  • ipxe-template: iPXE template path (by default, setup script install it to /opt/ipxe-template)
  • ipxe-template-uefi: iPXE UEFI template path (by default, setup script install it to /opt/ipxe-template-uefi)
  • kernel-path: path where to find kernels
  • http-port: http listen port,
  • debug: enable (True) or disable (False) debug Flask