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A framework for experimenting with never-ending learning


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Jelly Bean World

A framework for experimenting with never-ending learning.


  • GCC 4.9+, Clang 5+, or Visual C++ 14+
  • Python 2.7 or 3.5+ and Numpy (for the Python API)

Using Python

Installation Instructions

Assuming that you have Python installed in your system and that you are located in the root directory of this repository, run the following commands:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd api/python
python install

Note that if you plan to use this framework with OpenAI gym you should also install gym using pip install gym.


We first present a typical workflow in Python, without using OpenAI gym and we then show how to use this framework within OpenAI gym.

The typical workflow is as follows:

  1. Extend the Agent class to implement custom agents.
  2. Create a Simulator object.
  3. Construct agent instances in this simulator.
  4. Issue action commands for each agent.

The following is a simple example where a simulator is constructed locally (within the same process) and a single agent continuously moves forward. Note that the agent's decision-making logic goes in the do_next_action method.

import jbw

class SimpleAgent(jbw.Agent):
  def __init__(self, simulator, load_filepath=None):
    super(SimpleAgent, self).__init__(simulator, load_filepath)

  def do_next_action(self):

  def save(self, filepath):

  def _load(self, filepath):

# specify the item types
items = []
items.append(jbw.Item("banana", [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0], [0], False,
        intensity_fn=jbw.IntensityFunction.CONSTANT, intensity_fn_args=[-2.0],
        interaction_fns=[[jbw.InteractionFunction.PIECEWISE_BOX, 40.0, 200.0, 0.0, -40.0]]))

# construct the simulator configuration
config = jbw.SimulatorConfig(max_steps_per_movement=1, vision_range=1,
  allowed_movement_directions=[jbw.ActionPolicy.ALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.DISALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.DISALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.DISALLOWED],
  allowed_turn_directions=[jbw.ActionPolicy.DISALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.DISALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.ALLOWED, jbw.ActionPolicy.ALLOWED],
  no_op_allowed=False, patch_size=32, mcmc_num_iter=4000, items=items, agent_color=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
  decay_param=0.4, diffusion_param=0.14, deleted_item_lifetime=2000)

# create a local simulator
sim = jbw.Simulator(sim_config=config)

# add one agent to the simulation
agent = SimpleAgent(sim)

# start the main loop
for t in range(10000):

See api/python/test/ for an example with more types of items as well as a visualization using the MapVisualizer class.

It is straightforward to create the simulator in server mode, where other clients can connect to it:

sim = jbw.Simulator(sim_config=config, is_server=True, default_client_permissions=jbw.GRANT_ALL_PERMISSIONS)

To connect to existing server (i.e. create the simulator in client mode), for example running on localhost:

sim = jbw.Simulator(server_address="localhost")

See api/python/test/ and api/python/test/ for an example of simulators running in server and client modes (using MPI to communicate).

Using with OpenAI Gym

We also provide a JBW environment for OpenAI gym, which is implemented in api/python/jbw/

The action space consists of three actions:

  • 0: Move forward.
  • 1: Turn left.
  • 2: Turn right.

The observation space consists of a dictionary:

  • scent: Vector with shape [S], where S is the scent dimensionality.
  • vision: Matrix with shape [2R+1, 2R+1, V], where R is the vision range and V is the vision/color dimensionality.
  • moved: Binary value indicating whether the last action resulted in the agent moving.

After installing the jbw framework and gym, the provided environment can be used as follows:

import gym
import jbw

# Use 'JBW-render-v0' to include rendering support.
# Otherwise, use 'JBW-v0', which should be much faster.
env = gym.make('JBW-render-v0')

# The created environment can then be used as any other 
# OpenAI gym environment. For example:
for t in range(10000):
  # Render the current environment.
  # Sample a random action.
  action = env.action_space.sample()
  # Run a simulation step using the sampled action.
  observation, reward, _, _ = env.step(action)

Environments with different configurations can be registered as shown in api/python/jbw/ and used as shown above.

Agent class

Agents have a very simple interface. They have an abstract do_next_action method which should contain the decision-making logic of the agent and call methods such as self.move or self.turn to perform the next action. The Agent class has an abstract save method that users can implement to save the state of an agent to a file. save is called by Simulator whenever the simulator is saved. The Agent class also has an abstract _load method which is called by the Agent constructor to load the agent's state from a given filepath.

Agents also have a private fields that store state information, such as the agent's position, direction, current scent perception, current visual perception, etc.

Using C++

The typical workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a Simulator object.
  2. Add agents to this simulator.
  3. Issue action commands for each agent.

The following is a simple example where a simulator is constructed locally (within the same process) and a single agent continuously moves forward.

#include "network.h"
#include "simulator.h"

using namespace jbw;

/** A helper function to set interaction function parameters. */
inline void set_interaction_args(
    item_properties* item_types, unsigned int first_item_type,
    unsigned int second_item_type, interaction_function interaction,
    std::initializer_list<float> args)
  item_types[first_item_type].interaction_fns[second_item_type].fn = interaction;
  item_types[first_item_type].interaction_fns[second_item_type].arg_count = (unsigned int) args.size();
  item_types[first_item_type].interaction_fns[second_item_type].args = (float*) malloc(max((size_t) 1, sizeof(float) * args.size()));

  unsigned int counter = 0;
  for (auto i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); i++)
    item_types[first_item_type].interaction_fns[second_item_type].args[counter++] = *i;

void on_step(simulator<empty_data>* sim, const hash_map<uint64_t, agent_state*>& agents, uint64_t time) { }

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  /* construct the simulator configuration */
  simulator_config config;
  config.max_steps_per_movement = 1;
  config.scent_dimension = 3;
  config.color_dimension = 3;
  config.vision_range = 10;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (size_t) direction::COUNT; i++)
    config.allowed_movement_directions[i] = action_policy::ALLOWED;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (size_t) direction::COUNT; i++)
    config.allowed_rotations[i] = action_policy::ALLOWED;
  config.no_op_allowed = false;
  config.patch_size = 32;
  config.mcmc_iterations = 4000;
  config.agent_field_of_view = 2.09f;
  config.agent_color = (float*) calloc(config.color_dimension, sizeof(float));
  config.agent_color[2] = 1.0f;
  config.collision_policy = movement_conflict_policy::FIRST_COME_FIRST_SERVED;
  config.decay_param = 0.5f;
  config.diffusion_param = 0.12f;
  config.deleted_item_lifetime = 2000;

  /* configure item types */
  config.item_types[0].name = "banana";
  config.item_types[0].scent = (float*) calloc(config.scent_dimension, sizeof(float));
  config.item_types[0].color = (float*) calloc(config.color_dimension, sizeof(float));
  config.item_types[0].required_item_counts = (unsigned int*) calloc(1, sizeof(unsigned int));
  config.item_types[0].required_item_costs = (unsigned int*) calloc(1, sizeof(unsigned int));
  config.item_types[0].scent[0] = 1.0f;
  config.item_types[0].color[0] = 1.0f;
  config.item_types[0].blocks_movement = false;
	config.item_types[0].visual_occlusion = 0.0;
  config.item_types.length = 1;

  /* specify the intensity and interaction function parameters */
  config.item_types[0].intensity_fn.fn = constant_intensity_fn;
  config.item_types[0].intensity_fn.arg_count = 1;
  config.item_types[0].intensity_fn.args = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * 1);
  config.item_types[0].intensity_fn.args[0] = -2.0f;
  config.item_types[0].interaction_fns = (energy_function<interaction_function>*)
    malloc(sizeof(energy_function<interaction_function>) * config.item_types.length);
  set_interaction_args(, 0, 0, piecewise_box_interaction_fn, {40.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f});

  /* create a local simulator */
  simulator<empty_data>& sim = *((simulator<empty_data>*) alloca(sizeof(simulator<empty_data>)));
  if (init(sim, config, empty_data()) != status::OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to initialize simulator.\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* add one agent to the simulation */
  pair<uint64_t, agent_state*> agent = sim.add_agent();
  if (agent.key == UINT64_MAX) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to add new agent.\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* the main simulation loop */
  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < 10000; t++) {
    if (sim.move(agent.key, direction::UP, 1) != status::OK) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to move agent.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

See core/jbw/simulator_test.cpp for an example with more types of items, as well as a multithreaded example and an MPI example.

To setup an MPI server for a simulator sim, the init_server function in core/jbw/mpi.h may be used:

  /* NOTE: this blocks during the lifetime of the server */
  sync_server new_server;
  if (!init_server(new_server, sim, 54353, 256, 8, permissions::grant_all())) { /* process error */ }

To set up an asynchronous MPI server (where init_server will not block), the async_server class in core/jbw/mpi.h is used:

  async_server new_server;
  if (!init_server(new_server, sim, 54353, 256, 8, permissions::grant_all())) { /* process error */ }

To connect to an existing server, for example at localhost:54353, we use the client class defined in core/jbw/mpi.h:

  client<empty_data> new_client;
  uint64_t client_id;
  uint64_t simulation_time = connect_client(new_client, "localhost", 54353, client_id);
  if (simulation_time == UINT64_MAX) { /* process error */ }

The commands may be sent to the server using the functions send_add_agent, send_move, send_turn, etc. When the client receives responses from the server, the functions on_add_agent, on_move, on_turn, etc will be invoked, which must be defined by the user.


The center of our design is the simulator. The simulator handles everything that happens to our artificial environment. It does by controlling the map generation process, as well as the agent-environment interaction. Agents are part of the design too, but in a very limited way. This is intentional, and it is done in order to allow for flexibility in the design of custom agents.


The simulator controls the following things:

  • Incremental map generation, based on the movement of the agents.
  • Passage of time.
  • Allowed agent-environment interactions.

Under the current design:

  • Each simulator owns a set of agents.
  • Users can easily add/register new agents to an existing simulator.
  • Each agent interacts with the simulator by deciding when and where to move.
  • Once all agents have requested to perform an action, the simulator progresses by one time step and notifies invokes a callback function.
  • Some items in the world are automatically collected by the agents. The collected items are available in each agent's state information.

NOTE: Note that the agent is not moved until the simulator advances the time step and issues a notification about that event. The simulator only advances the time step once all agents have requested to act.

We provide a message-passing interface (using TCP) to allow the simulator to run remotely, and agents can issue move commands to the server. In Python, the Simulator can be constructed as a server with the appropriate constructor arguments. If a server address is provided to the Simulator constructor, it will try to connect to the Simulator running at the specified remote address, and all calls to the Simulator class will be issued as commands to the server. In C++, core/jbw/mpi.h provides the functionality to run the server and clients. See core/jbw/simulator_test.cpp for an example.


We simulate an infinite map by dividing it into a collection of n x n patches. When agents move around, they may move into new patches. The simulator ensures that when an agent approaches a new patch, that patch is appropriately initialized (if it wasn't previously). When new patches are initialized, we fill them with items.

The items are distributed according to a pairwise interaction point process on the 2-dimensional grid of integers. The probability of a collection of points X = {X_1, X_2, ...} is given by:

    p(X) = c * exp{sum over i of f(X_i) + sum over j of g(X_i, X_j)}.

Here, c is a normalizing constant. f(x) is the intensity function, that controls the likelihood of generating a point at x independent of other points. g(x,y) is the interaction function, which controls the likelihood of generating the point at x given the existence of a point at y. Metropolis-Hastings sampling is used to sample from this distribution.

It is through the interaction function that we can control whether items of one type are "attracted to" or "repelled by" items of another type. We allow the user to specify which intensity/interaction functions they wish to use, for each item.

Vision is implemented straightforwardly: within the visual field of each agent, empty cells are rendered with a single color. Then for each item within the visual field of the agent, we render the corresponding pixel with the color of the item.

Scent is modeled as a simple diffusion system on the grid, where each cell is given a vector of scents (where each dimension can be used to model orthogonal/unrelated scents). More precisely, if S(x,y,t) is the scent at location (x,y) at time t, then

    S(x,y,t+1) = lambda*S(x,y,t) + C(x,y,t+1) + alpha*(S(x-1,y,t) + S(x+1,y,t) + S(x,y-1,t) + S(x,y+1,t)),

where lambda is the rate of decay of the scent at the current location, alpha is the rate of diffusion from neighboring cells, and C(x,y,t) is the scent of any items located at (x,y) at time t (this is zero if there are no items at that position).

Our simulator keeps track of the creation and destruction times of each item in the world, and so the scent can be computed correctly, even as items are created and destroyed (collected) in the world. The simulation ensures the scent (or lack thereof) diffuses correctly.


The core library is implemented in C++ and has no dependencies. It should be able to run on Mac, Linux, and Windows. We already provide a Python API that is quite simple to use and extend. APIs for other languages should also be easy to implement.


Repository initialization, publickey

If you get the message Permission denied (publickey). when initializing the repository by calling git submodule update --init --recursive make sure you have your public key set correctly in You can see this example to generate a new one.


A framework for experimenting with never-ending learning







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  • C++ 74.9%
  • Swift 15.3%
  • Python 6.7%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Other 1.8%