- Architecture: microservices
- Deployment: containerized
- Language: Nodejs
- Database: Relational
- Commute Model: Asynchronous
- Container: Docker
- OS: Linux (or windows WSL)
- Database: Mysql
- Language: Nodejs + javascript
- Framework: ExpressJS
- Queue service: RabbitMQ
- Validation: ajv
- Test Framework: Cucumber + lcov
- Code lint: Eslint + Airbnb specs
- Logging: text file, format: [level][date][correlationId][targetFile]: content
- Api Gateway: Nginx
docker-compose up --build
go to http://localhost:8080 (swager ui entrypoint)
placing new order
- supported clientId: 1 -> 10
- supported itemId: 1 -> 10
order status could be:
- ORDERD: when all informations are valid
- OOF: Item out of stock
- BIS: User balance in short (not enough to order)
├── app
│ ├── api
│ │ ├── http
│ │ │ ├── client # restful client to other services
│ │ │ └── server # restful server
│ │ ├── rabbitmq
│ │ │ ├── in # broker consumers
│ │ │ └── out # brocker publishers
│ │ └── sqlite # database utilities
│ └── service
└── tests
├── data # mock data
└── features
├── step_definitions # cucumber steps definitions
└── support # services mocking