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@tianma8023 tianma8023 released this 02 Jun 17:49
· 86 commits to master since this release
  1. Bug fixes: invalid issue after rebooting.
  2. Bug fixes: showing seconds invalid issue after choosing an new clock style in lock screen.
  3. New option: align signal cluster to the left of status bar.
  4. New option: show dual mobile signal in status bar.
  5. New option: hide VPN icon in status bar.
  6. New option: custom displayed mobile network type.
  7. Optimization: no longer hook MIUI Launcher.
  8. New entry: join QQ group for communication and bug report.

  1. 修复:EdXposed重启后需要重启SystemUI的问题
  2. 修复:切换锁屏时钟样式后,显秒失效问题
  3. 新增可选项:信号居左
  4. 新增可选项:信号双层显示
  5. 新增可选项:隐藏状态栏VPN图标
  6. 新增可选项:自定义状态栏显示的移动网络类型
  7. 优化:状态栏时间常显实现方式
  8. 添加QQ群反馈交流入口