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Using Plivo with SharePoint to Send and Receive SMS

SMS Gateway Connector (SMS Via SharePoint List) - CSOM Extensions!

This is the main repository for the SMS Gateway Conenctor Add-in extensions for SharePoint.

SMS Gateway Connector(SMS Via SharePoint List)


SMS Gateway Connector is SharePoint Add-in available in Microsoft SharePoint Store, that allows easy SMS integration of Plivo into SharePoint Site. The add-in provisions a SharePoint List which is used to Send SMS request, and another SharePoint List which supports incoming SMS. The Add-in already supports outgoing and incoming sms by now using Plivo API, without a single line of code. This repository intends to achieve a community driven repository of implementations extensions and samples of the Add-in.

• Official Website:

• On SharePoint Store:


  • Please note this github repository is intended for developers to integrate the add-in programmatically in applications.

Sending SMS from SharePoint Online / SharePoint 2016.

Table of contents

Getting Started

1) Prerequisite

Install SMS Gateway Connector(SMS via SharePoint List) Add-in

  • Install the add-in from Microsoft SharePoint Store, installation steps here
  • Add-in Name: SMS Gateway Connector(SMS via SharePoint List)
  • Office Store asset ID : WA104380984

SMS For Office SharePoint Add-in

2) Install Library from NUGET

The Library is available in on Nuget, please get the latest version depending on your SharePoint Environment:

SharePoint Online

Nuget: SharePoint Online SMS Integration

PM> Install-Package TimeParity.SharePointOnline.SMS

SharePoint 2016

Nuget: SharePoint 2016 SMS Integration

PM> Install-Package TimeParity.SharePoint2016.SMS

3) Include refrences

Include the following refrences in your .Net Application:

using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS;
using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS.Extensions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

Send SMS to SharePoint User

Once you have included the references , you have the following options to chose from for sending SMS to your SharePoint Site User

using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS;
using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS.Extensions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

SMS By Username / Email id

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message  
/// to user of provided user id (loginame or email id)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="loginNameOrEmail">loginname or email id of the user</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToUser(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, string loginNameOrEmail, 
string message, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

// Replace with a valid user email id from your SharePoint site
string emailid = "";

// Replace with a valid username from your SharePoint site
string username = "i:0#.f|membership|";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToUser(true, emailid , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by email id, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);
    SMSRequestResult result2 = clientcontext.SendSMSToUser(true, username , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by username, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result2.status.ToString(), result2.status_message);

SMS By CSOM User Object

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message to user   
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="user">SharePoint User Object</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToUser(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, User user, 
string message, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
   // Get current logged in user
    User user = clientcontext.Web.CurrentUser;
    //Send SMS to User
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToUser(true, user , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested user object, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);

Send SMS to Multiple SharePoint Users

Once you have included the references , you have the following options to chose from for sending SMS to your SharePoint Site Users

using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS;
using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS.Extensions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

SMS By Username / Email id

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message  
/// to users with provided user id(s) - loginame(s) or email id(s)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="loginNameOrEmail">A list/Array of loginname or email id of the users</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>  
/// <param name="batchSize">Optional limit to specify maximum recipients per request,
///  recommended value is 25</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToMultipleUsers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, 
IEnumerable<string> loginNameOrEmail, string message, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

// Replace with a valid user email id from your SharePoint site
string emailid = "";

// Replace with a valid username from your SharePoint site
string username = "i:0#.f|membership|";

// An Array of users
string[] userArray = { emailid, username };

// List of users
List<string> userList = userArray.ToList();

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
    // Send SMS to an array of users, 
    // create a new request for each user (batchsize = 1)   
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToMultipleUsers(true, userArray , smscontent, 1);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by array");
    Console.WriteLine("Result : " + result.status.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Result Message: " + result.status_message);
    // Send SMS to a List of users, 
    // create a single request for every 25 users  (batchsize default value is 25)
    SMSRequestResult result2 = clientcontext.SendSMSToMultipleUsers(true, userList , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by list");
    Console.WriteLine("Result : " + result2.status.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Result Message: " + result2.status_message);

SMS By CSOM UserCollection Object

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message to user   
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="users">SharePoint UserCollection Object</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>  
/// <param name="batchSize">Optional limit to specify maximum recipients per request,
/// recommended value is 25</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToMultipleUsers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, UserCollection users, 
string message, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
   // Get users from default memebers group
    clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web.AssociatedMemberGroup, i => i.Users);
    //CSOM UserCollection object
    UserCollection users = clientContext.Web.AssociatedMemberGroup.Users;
    //Send SMS to Users
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToMultipleUsers(true, users , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by usercollection object");
    Console.WriteLine("Result : " + result.status.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Result Message: " + result.status_message);

Send SMS to External Users

Once you have included the references , you have the following options to chose from for sending SMS to your External Users

using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS;
using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS.Extensions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

SMS By Mobile Number

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message  
/// to users with provided mobile numbers
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="mobileNumbers">An Array or List of Mobile numbers</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToMultipleMobileNumbers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, IEnumerable mobileNumbers, 
string message, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
    List<string> _mobileNumbers = new List<string>();
    // Add mobile numbers as string to List
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToMultipleMobileNumbers(true, _mobileNumbers , smscontent, 30);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by mobile numbers, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);

Send SMS to SharePoint Group

Once you have included the references , you have the following options to chose from for sending SMS to users of your SharePoint Group

using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS;
using TimeParity.SharePoint.SMS.Extensions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

SMS By SharePoint Group Name

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message to users of a SharePoint Group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="groupTitle">SharePoint Group Title</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>     
/// <param name="batchSize">Optional limit to specify maximum recipients per request,
///  recommended value is 25</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param> 

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, string groupTitle,
string message, int batchSize = 25, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

// Replace with a valid SharePoint Group Namme
string groupTitle = "";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
    //Send SMS to Group Users
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(true, groupTitle , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by group name, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);

SMS By SharePoint Group Id

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message to users of a SharePoint Group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="groupID">SharePoint Group Id</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>     
/// <param name="batchSize">Optional limit to specify maximum recipients per request,
/// recommended value is 25</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, int groupID, 
string message, int batchSize = 25, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

// Replace with a valid SharePoint Group Id
int groupID = 4;

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
    //Send SMS to Group Users
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(true, groupID , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by group id, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);

SMS By CSOM Group Object

Extension Definiton

/// <summary>
/// Creates entry in SMS Request List for sending the message to users of a SharePoint Group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customGateway">Boolean Value to be set as true while using Twilio / Plivo</param>   
/// <param name="group">SharePoint Group</param>   
/// <param name="message">SMS Message content</param>     
/// <param name="batchSize">Optional limit to specify maximum recipients per request,
///  recommended value is 25</param>  
/// <param name="title">Optional title to be set for the request, default is "Custom"</param>  

public static SMSRequestResult SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(this ClientContext context, bool customGateway, Group group, string message, int batchSize = 25, string title = "Custom")


// Office Dev PNP Authentication Manager
var am = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();

// Url of the site where add-in is already installed
string siteUrl = "";

// The content of your SMS message
string smscontent = "A message from SharePoint";

using (ClientContext clientcontext = am.GetWebLoginClientContext(siteurl))
   // Get default owner group
    Group group = clientcontext.Web.AssociatedOwnerGroup;
    //Send SMS to Owner Group Users
    SMSRequestResult result = clientcontext.SendSMSToSharePointGroupUsers(true, group , smscontent);
    Console.WriteLine("Requested by CSOM Group object, Result : {0} , Message: {1} "
    , result.status.ToString(), result.status_message);


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