This directory contains everything that allows us to create a Docker image with the following pieces of software:
- PostgreSQL
- Some PostgreSQL extensions, most notably PostGIS
- TimescaleDB, multiple versions
- pgBackRest
- scripts to make it all work in a Kubernetes Context
Currently, our base image is Ubuntu, as we require glibc 2.33+.
It's currently pushing the resulting images to:
To build an image, run the following make target:
As building the whole image takes considerably amounts of time, the default will only install 1 timescaledb version:
The head of the master
branch of the
For more robust build runs do:
make build
Or, if you only want to exclude Timescale License code you can use the following command:
make build-oss
For more information about licensing, please read our blog post about the subject.
By default, the Docker image contains many extensions, including TimescaleDB and PostGIS. You can override which version of the extensions are built by setting environment variables, some examples:
# Build without any PostGIS
POSTGIS_VERSIONS="" make build
For further environment variables that can be set, we point you to the Makefile itself.
For updating changes in versions for timescaledb, pgvectorscale, or toolkit, update build_scripts/versions.yaml
For every pushed commit to this repository, a Docker Image will be built. Once your commit is pushed, a Docker Image will
be built, and if successful, will be pushed. The tag of this Docker Image will be cicd-<first 7 chars of commit sha>-amd64
for example, for commit baddcafe...
, the tag will look like:
Assuming your current working directory is on the same commit as the one you pushed
echo "timescale/timescaledb-ha:cicd-$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-7)"
- Actions
- Click on the Build branch Workflow for your commit/branch
- Look at the
Build and push branch summary
for the tag
amd64: the base image was built 93 seconds ago
In the above example, your Docker tag is cicd-8578fce-amd64
and your full image url is:
docker run --rm -ti -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=smoketest
Between releases, we keep track of notable changes in
When we want to make a release we should update to contain the release notes for the planned release in a section for the proposed release number. This update is the commit that will be tagged with as the actual release which ensures that each release contains a copy of it's own release notes.
We should also copy the release notes to the Github releases page, but is the primary place to keep the release notes.
The release commit should be tagged with a signed tag:
git tag -s vx.x.x
git push --tags
If you use the release notes in the tag commit message and it will automatically appear in the Github release. On the Github releases
page click Draft a new release
and then type your tag in the drop down contain @master
. The release will automatically be created
using the tag commit text.
They will be written under quite a few aliases, for example, for PostgreSQL 15.2 and Timescale 2.10.3, the following images will be built and pushed/overwritten:
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-all
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-ts2.10
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-ts2.10-all
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15.2-ts2.10.3
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15.2-ts2.10.3-all
builds, the following tags will be published:
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-oss
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-all-oss
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-ts2.10-oss
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15-ts2.10-all-oss
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15.2-ts2.10.3-oss
- timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg15.2-ts2.10.3-all-oss
The -all
portion of the tags specifies that the image contains pg15, as well as version 12, 13, and 14. Otherwise, only
the single version of PostgreSQL is included in the image.