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Fix usage tracking for modules
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tjammer committed Aug 30, 2023
1 parent c13a58f commit 0a8a3ae
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Showing 4 changed files with 45 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ and register_module env loc mname modul =
let find_module env loc ~regeneralize name =
(* We first search the env for local modules. Then we try read the module the normal way *)
let r =
match Env.find_module_opt loc (Path.Pid name) env with
match Env.find_module_opt ~query:true loc (Path.Pid name) env with
| Some name -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt module_cache name with
| Some (Cached (kind, scope, _)) ->
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57 changes: 43 additions & 14 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,6 +340,20 @@ let find_unused ret tbl =
else acc)
tbl ret

let rec is_module_used modules =
(fun _ kind used ->
match kind with
| Cm_located _ -> used
| Cm_cached (_, scope) -> (
if used then used
match scope.kind with
| Smodule usage ->
if !(usage.used) then true else is_module_used scope.modules
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"))
modules false

let sort_unused = function
| [] -> Ok ()
| some ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,7 +430,8 @@ let close_thing is_same modpath env =
aux (closed @ old_closed) (touched @ old_touched) unused tl
| Smodule { name; loc; used } ->
let unused =
if !used then unused else (name, Unused_mod, loc) :: unused
if !used || is_module_used scope.modules then unused
else (name, Unused_mod, loc) :: unused
aux (closed @ old_closed) (touched @ old_touched) unused tl)
Expand All @@ -432,8 +447,8 @@ let close_toplevel env =
(fun thing -> match thing with Stoplevel _ -> true | _ -> false)
(Path.pop env.modpath) env

let find_general ~(find : key -> scope -> 'a option) ~(found : 'a -> 'b) loc key
env =
let find_general ~(find : key -> scope -> 'a option)
~(found : scope_kind -> 'a -> 'b) loc key env =
(* Find the start of the path in some scope. Then traverse modules until we find the type *)
let key = Path.rm_name env.modpath key in
let rec aux scopes = function
Expand All @@ -445,10 +460,10 @@ let find_general ~(find : key -> scope -> 'a option) ~(found : 'a -> 'b) loc key
| [] -> None
| scope :: tl -> (
match find key scope with
| Some t -> Some (found t)
| Some t -> Some (found scope.kind t)
| None -> find_value key tl)
and traverse_module scope = function
| Path.Pid key -> found (find key scope)
| Path.Pid key -> (found scope.kind) (find key scope)
| Pmod (hd, tl) -> (
match Map.find_opt hd scope.modules with
| Some cached ->
Expand All @@ -461,7 +476,7 @@ let find_general ~(find : key -> scope -> 'a option) ~(found : 'a -> 'b) loc key
let find_val_opt loc key env =
~find:(fun key scope -> Map.find_opt key scope.valmap)
~found:(fun vl ->
~found:(fun _ vl ->
let imported = if vl.param then None else vl.imported in
typ = vl.typ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,7 +582,8 @@ let query_val_opt loc pkey env =
let find_type_opt loc key env =
~find:(fun key scope -> Map.find_opt key scope.types) loc key env
~found:(fun _ f -> f)
loc key env

let find_type loc key env = find_type_opt loc key env |> Option.get

Expand All @@ -590,6 +606,8 @@ let find_type_same_module key env =
aux env.values

let mark_module_used = function Smodule usage -> usage.used := true | _ -> ()

let query_type ~instantiate loc key env =
~find:(fun key scope ->
Expand All @@ -599,21 +617,28 @@ let query_type ~instantiate loc key env =
Some (fst t)
| Some t, (Stoplevel _ | Sfunc _ | Scont _) -> Some (fst t)
| None, _ -> None) loc key env
~found:(fun kind f ->
mark_module_used kind;
loc key env
|> Option.get |> instantiate

let find_module_opt loc name env =
let find_module_opt ?(query = false) loc name env =
~find:(fun key scope -> Map.find_opt key scope.modules)
~found:(function Cm_located path | Cm_cached (path, _) -> path)
~found:(fun scope kind ->
if query then mark_module_used scope;
match kind with Cm_located path | Cm_cached (path, _) -> path)
loc name env

let find_label_opt key env =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> None
| scope :: tl -> (
match Map.find_opt key scope.labels with
| Some l -> Some l
| Some l ->
mark_module_used scope.kind;
Some l
| None -> aux tl)
aux env.values
Expand All @@ -623,7 +648,9 @@ let find_labelset_opt loc labels env =
| [] -> None
| scope :: tl -> (
match Lmap.find_opt (Labelset.of_list labels) scope.labelsets with
| Some name -> Some (find_type loc name env |> fst)
| Some name ->
mark_module_used scope.kind;
Some (find_type loc name env |> fst)
| None -> aux tl)
aux env.values
Expand All @@ -633,7 +660,9 @@ let find_ctor_opt name env =
| [] -> None
| scope :: tl -> (
match Map.find_opt name scope.ctors with
| Some c -> Some c
| Some c ->
mark_module_used scope.kind;
Some c
| None -> aux tl)
aux env.values
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -695,7 +724,7 @@ let pop_scope env =
let fix_scope_loc scope loc =
let kind =
match scope.kind with
| Smodule usage -> Smodule { usage with loc }
| Smodule usage -> Smodule { usage with loc; used = ref false }
| (Stoplevel _ | Sfunc _ | Scont _) as kind -> kind
{ scope with kind }
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/typing/env.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ val find_type_same_module : string -> t -> (typ * bool) option
val query_type : instantiate:(typ -> typ) -> Ast.loc -> Path.t -> t -> typ
(** [query_type name env] is like [find_type], but instantiates new types for parametrized types*)

val find_module_opt : Ast.loc -> Path.t -> t -> Path.t option
val find_module_opt : ?query:bool -> Ast.loc -> Path.t -> t -> Path.t option

val find_label_opt : key -> t -> label option
(** [find_label_opt labelname env] returns the name of first record with a matching label *)
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions test/modules.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -719,10 +719,6 @@ Local modules

Fix shadowing for local modules
$ schmu local_module_shadowing.smu
local_module_shadowing.smu:16:1: warning: Unused module open a
16 | (open a)

$ ./local_module_shadowing
i'm in a module
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