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Restructure array builtins
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Prepend array builtins with `__` and export well-named aliases in the
array module. Add one new `__unsafe_array_set_length` builtin function
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tjammer committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 38b3233 commit 5e85e67
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Showing 48 changed files with 225 additions and 188 deletions.
28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ type t =
| Array_drop_back
| Array_data
| Unsafe_array_create
| Unsafe_array_set_length
| Unsafe_nullptr
| Assert
| Copy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,10 +103,10 @@ let tbl =
( [ { p with pt = Tarray (Qvar "0") }; { p with pt = Tint } ],
Qvar "0",
Simple ),
"array-get" );
"__array_get" );
( Array_length,
Tfun ([ { p with pt = Tarray (Qvar "0") } ], Tint, Simple),
"array-length" );
"__array_length" );
( Array_push,
( [
Expand All @@ -114,16 +115,22 @@ let tbl =
Simple ),
"array-push" );
"__array_push" );
( Array_drop_back,
Tfun ([ { pt = Tarray (Qvar "0"); pattr = Dmut } ], Tunit, Simple),
"array-drop-back" );
"__array_drop_back" );
( Array_data,
Tfun ([ { p with pt = Tarray (Qvar "0") } ], Traw_ptr (Qvar "0"), Simple),
"array-data" );
"__array_data" );
( Unsafe_array_create,
Tfun ([ { p with pt = Tint } ], Tarray (Qvar "0"), Simple),
"__unsafe_array_create" );
( Unsafe_array_set_length,
( [ { pt = Tarray (Qvar "0"); pattr = Dmut }; { p with pt = Tint } ],
Simple ),
"__unsafe_array_set_length" );
(Unsafe_nullptr, Tfun ([], Traw_ptr Tu8, Simple), "__unsafe_nullptr");
(Assert, Tfun ([ { p with pt = Tbool } ], Tunit, Simple), "assert");
(Copy, Tfun ([ { p with pt = Qvar "0" } ], Qvar "0", Simple), "copy");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,12 +159,13 @@ let of_string = function
| "u8_to_int" -> Some U8_to_int
| "not" -> Some Not
| "mod" -> Some Mod
| "array-get" -> Some Array_get
| "array-length" -> Some Array_length
| "array-push" -> Some Array_push
| "array-drop-back" -> Some Array_drop_back
| "array-data" -> Some Array_data
| "__array_get" -> Some Array_get
| "__array_length" -> Some Array_length
| "__array_push" -> Some Array_push
| "__array_drop_back" -> Some Array_drop_back
| "__array_data" -> Some Array_data
| "__unsafe_array_create" -> Some Unsafe_array_create
| "__unsafe_array_set_length" -> Some Unsafe_array_set_length
| "__unsafe_nullptr" -> Some Unsafe_nullptr
| "assert" -> Some Assert
| "copy" | "__copy" ->
Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,8 +199,9 @@ struct
Llvm.build_bitcast arr.value (Llvm.pointer_type int_t) "" builder
let value = Llvm.build_gep int_ptr [| ci 0 |] "len" builder in
let value = Llvm.build_load value "" builder in

{ value; typ = Tint; lltyp = int_t; kind = Ptr }
{ value; typ = Tint; lltyp = int_t; kind = Imm }

let grow orig =
let call = modify_arr_fn Grow orig in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,6 +369,19 @@ struct

{ value = arr; typ; lltyp; kind = Ptr }

let unsafe_array_set_length args =
let arr, sz =
match args with
| [ arr; sz ] -> (bring_default_var arr, bring_default sz)
| _ -> failwith "Internal Error: Arity mismatch in builtin"
let int_ptr =
Llvm.build_bitcast arr.value (Llvm.pointer_type int_t) "" builder
let dst = Llvm.build_gep int_ptr [| ci 0 |] "len" builder in
ignore (Llvm.build_store sz dst builder);
{ dummy_fn_value with lltyp = unit_t }

let gen_functions () =
(fun _ (kind, v, ft) ->
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module type S = sig
val unsafe_array_create :
param -> llvar list -> typ -> Monomorph_tree.alloca -> llvar

val unsafe_array_set_length : llvar list -> llvar
val item_type_head_size : typ -> typ * Llvm.lltype * int * int

val iter_array_children :
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lib/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ end = struct
| Array_drop_back -> array_drop_back param args
| Array_data -> array_data args
| Unsafe_array_create -> unsafe_array_create param args fnc.ret allocref
| Unsafe_array_set_length -> unsafe_array_set_length args
| Unsafe_nullptr ->
let value = Llvm.const_null voidptr_t in
{ value; typ = Traw_ptr Tunit; lltyp = voidptr_t; kind = Const }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1159,6 +1160,9 @@ let has_init_code tree =
| None -> failwith "Internal Error: global value not found")
| Mfunction (_, _, cont, _) -> aux cont.expr
| Mconst Unit -> false
| Mbind (_, _, cont) ->
(* Bind itself does not need init *)
aux cont.expr
| _ -> true
aux Monomorph_tree.(tree.expr)
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -280,6 +280,8 @@ stmt:

%inline sexp_let:
| Def; sexp_decl; pexpr = passed_expr { Let($loc, $2, pexpr ) }
/* Allow toplevel defs to alias builtins (to give them a better name) */
| Def; sexp_decl; pexpr = Builtin_id { Let($loc, $2, {pattr = Dnorm; pexpr = Var($loc(pexpr), pexpr)}) }

| parens(sexp_decl_typed) { $1 }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ sexp_expr:
| ident { Var (fst $1, snd $1) }
| e = sexp_expr; f = Accessor {Field ($loc, e, f)}
| e = sexp_expr; Ldotbrack; i = sexp_expr; Rbrack
{App ($loc, Var ($loc, "array-get"),
{App ($loc, Var ($loc, "__array_get"),
[{apass = Dnorm; aloc = $loc(e); aexpr = e};
{apass = Dnorm; aloc = $loc(i); aexpr = i}])}
| parens(lets) { $1 }
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lib/syntax_errors.messages
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ prog: Lpar Def Int Wildcard


prog: Lpar Let Lbrack Kebab_id Ampersand Wildcard
prog: Lpar Let Lbrack Kebab_id Builtin_id


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -814,6 +814,10 @@ prog: Lpar Def Kebab_id Exclamation False Wildcard


prog: Lpar Def Kebab_id Builtin_id Wildcard

Expecting ')'

prog: Lpar Def Kebab_id Ampersand Ampersand Wildcard

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -584,10 +584,10 @@ let rec check_tree env mut ((bpart, special) as bdata) tree hist =
({ tree with expr }, v, hs)
| App
callee = { expr = Var ("array-get", _); _ } as callee;
callee = { expr = Var ("__array_get", _); _ } as callee;
args = [ arr; idx ];
} ->
(* Special case for array-get *)
(* Special case for __array_get *)
(* Partial moves for arrays are not yet supported in monomorph_tree, so we
do not allow them as a temporary workaround *)
let callee, b, hs = check_tree env Uread no_bdata callee hist in
Expand Down
29 changes: 14 additions & 15 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -496,25 +496,24 @@ let rec param_funcs_as_closures = function
let convert_simple_lit loc typ expr =
{ typ; expr = Const expr; attr = { no_attr with const = true }; loc }

let rec builtins_hack callee args =
let builtins_hack callee args =
(* return of __unsafe_ptr_get should be marked mut, otherwise it won't be copied
correctly later in codegen. *)
(* NOTE is_temporary is monomorph_tree also needs to be updated *)
match callee with
| Ast.Var (_, id) -> (
let mut =
match args with
(* We only care about the first arg, ie the array *)
| (_, _, mut) :: _ -> mut
| _ -> false
match Typed_tree.follow_expr callee.expr with
| Some (Var (id, None)) -> (
match id with
| "__unsafe_ptr_get" -> { no_attr with mut = true }
| "array-get" | "array-data" | "array-length" ->
let mut =
match args with
(* We only care about the first arg, ie the array *)
| (_, _, mut) :: _ -> mut
| _ -> false
{ no_attr with mut }
| "__array_get" | "__array_data" -> { no_attr with mut }
| _ -> no_attr)
| Let_e (__, _, _, cont) -> builtins_hack cont args
| _ -> no_attr
| Some (Var (id, Some (Path.Pid "array"))) -> (
match id with "data" -> { no_attr with mut } | _ -> no_attr)
| Some _ | None -> no_attr

let fold_decl cont (id, e) = { cont with expr = Bind (id, e, cont) }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -902,7 +901,7 @@ end = struct
let targs = List.map2 apply args_t typed_exprs in

let attr = builtins_hack e1 typed_exprs in
let attr = builtins_hack callee typed_exprs in

(* Extract the returning type from the callee, because it's properly
generalized and linked. This way, everything in a function body should be
Expand Down
35 changes: 20 additions & 15 deletions std/array.smu
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,53 +1,58 @@
(def data __array_data)
(def drop-back __array_drop_back)
(def length __array_length)
(def push __array_push)

(defn iter [arr f]
(defn inner [i]
(if (= i (array-length arr))
(if (= i (length arr))
(f (array-get arr i))
(f arr.[i])
(inner (+ i 1)))))
(inner 0))

(defn iteri [arr f]
(defn inner [i]
(if (= i (array-length arr))
(if (= i (length arr))
(f i (array-get arr i))
(f i arr.[i])
(inner (+ i 1)))))
(inner 0))

(defn fold [arr f init!]
(defn inner [i acc!]
(if (= i (array-length arr))
(if (= i (length arr))
(let [acc (f !acc (array-get arr i))]
(let [acc (f !acc arr.[i])]
(inner (+ i 1) !acc))))
(inner 0 !init))

(defn foldi [arr f init!]
(defn inner [i acc!]
(if (= i (array-length arr))
(if (= i (length arr))
(let [acc (f i !acc (array-get arr i))]
(let [acc (f i !acc arr.[i])]
(inner (+ i 1) !acc))))
(inner 0 !init))

(defn map [arr f]
(def ret& (__unsafe_array_create (array-length arr)))
(set &(array-length ret) 0)
(def ret& (__unsafe_array_create (length arr)))
(__unsafe_array_set_length &ret 0)
-- TODO reserve
(defn inner [ret! i]
(def ret& !ret)
(if (= i (array-length arr))
(if (= i (length arr))
(array-push &ret !(f (array-get arr i)))
(push &ret !(f arr.[i]))
(inner !ret (+ i 1)))))
(inner !ret 0))

(defn swap-items [arr& i j]
(if (= i j)
(let [tmp! (__unsafe_ptr_get (array-data arr) i)]
(__unsafe_ptr_set &(array-data arr) i !(__unsafe_ptr_get (array-data arr) j))
(__unsafe_ptr_set &(array-data arr) j !tmp))))
(let [tmp! (__unsafe_ptr_get (data arr) i)]
(__unsafe_ptr_set &(data arr) i !(__unsafe_ptr_get (data arr) j))
(__unsafe_ptr_set &(data arr) j !tmp))))

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