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Track warnings across projections
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tjammer committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent 33b757c commit abce5ce
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Showing 7 changed files with 122 additions and 65 deletions.
22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type t = {

type warn_kind = Unused | Unmutated | Unused_mod
type unused = (unit, (Path.t * warn_kind * Ast.loc) list) result
type unused = (Path.t * warn_kind * Ast.loc) list

let def_value env =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,19 +362,13 @@ let rec is_module_used modules =
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"))
modules false

let sort_unused = function
| [] -> Ok ()
| some ->
(* Sort the warnings so the ones form the start of file are printed first *)
let s =
(fun (_, _, ((lhs : Lexing.position), _)) (_, _, (rhs, _)) ->
if lhs.pos_lnum <> rhs.pos_lnum then lhs.pos_lnum rhs.pos_lnum
else lhs.pos_cnum rhs.pos_cnum)
Error s
let sort_unused unused =
(* Sort the warnings so the ones form the start of file are printed first *)
(fun (_, _, ((lhs : Lexing.position), _)) (_, _, (rhs, _)) ->
if lhs.pos_lnum <> rhs.pos_lnum then lhs.pos_lnum rhs.pos_lnum
else lhs.pos_cnum rhs.pos_cnum)

let close_thing is_same modpath env =
(* Close scopes up to next function scope *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/typing/env.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type value = {

type warn_kind = Unused | Unmutated | Unused_mod

type unused = (unit, (Path.t * warn_kind * Ast.loc) list) result
type unused = (Path.t * warn_kind * Ast.loc) list

and touched = {
tname : string;
Expand Down
56 changes: 48 additions & 8 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ let borrow_state = ref 0
let param_pass = ref false
let shadowmap = ref Smap.empty
let array_bindings = ref Idset.empty
let mutables = ref Map.empty
let is_string = function Sp_string -> true | Sp_no | Sp_array_get -> false

let new_id str mname =
Expand All @@ -182,7 +183,8 @@ let reset () =
borrow_state := 0;
param_pass := false;
shadowmap := Smap.empty;
array_bindings := Idset.empty
array_bindings := Idset.empty;
mutables := Map.empty

let forbid_conditional_borrow loc imm mut =
let msg =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,6 +486,32 @@ let get_repr_ord ~borrows repr =
Hashtbl.replace borrows repr ctr;

let mark_mutated env_item =
let rec mark_mutated id =
match Map.find_opt id !mutables with
| Some parent ->
(match parent with Some p, _ -> mark_mutated p | None, _ -> ());
mutables := Map.remove id !mutables
| None ->
(* It has already been marked as mutated. Nothing more to do *)

match env_item.imm with
| [] -> ()
| [ Borrow_mut (b, _) ] -> mark_mutated b.repr
| _ ->
print_endline (show_env_item env_item);
failwith "Internal Error: What happened here?"

let check_mutated () =
(fun _ (_, loc) acc ->
(* Mutated bindings have been removed. All remaining ones have not been mutated. *)
loc :: acc)
!mutables []
|> List.rev

let get_moved_in_set env_item hist =
let rec usage b = function
| [ (Bown _ | Borrow _) ] -> Snot_moved
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -708,6 +736,7 @@ let rec check_tree env mut ((bpart, special) as bdata) tree hist =
(* Track usage of values, but not the one being mutated *)
let thing, t, hs = check_tree env Uset no_bdata thing hs in
let moved = get_moved_in_set t hs in
mark_mutated t;
let expr = Set (thing, value, moved) in
({ tree with expr }, t, add_hist t hs)
| Sequence (fst, snd) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,16 +968,21 @@ and check_let ~tl loc env id rhs rmut pass hist =
( rhs.loc,
"Specify how rhs expression is passed. Either by move '!' or \
mutably '&'" ))
| Bmove _ as b -> (Bown (id, Hashtbl.create 32), add_hist (imm [ b ]) hs)
| Bmove _ as b ->
if rhs.attr.mut then mutables := Map.add id (None, loc) !mutables;
(Bown (id, Hashtbl.create 32), add_hist (imm [ b ]) hs)
| (Borrow _ | Borrow_mut _) when tlborrow ->
raise (Error (rhs.loc, "Cannot borrow mutable binding at top level"))
| Borrow b -> (Borrow { b with loc; ord = neword () }, hs)
| Borrow_mut (b, s) -> (Borrow_mut ({ b with loc; ord = neword () }, s), hs)
| Borrow_mut (b, s) ->
mutables := Map.add id (Some b.repr, loc) !mutables;
(Borrow_mut ({ b with loc; ord = neword () }, s), hs)
| Bown _ -> failwith "Internal Error: A borrowed thing isn't owned"
let imm, hs =
match rval.imm with
| [] ->
if rhs.attr.mut then mutables := Map.add id (None, loc) !mutables;
(* No borrow, original, owned value *)
([ Bown (id, Hashtbl.create 32) ], hs)
| b ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1108,18 +1142,22 @@ let check_tree ~mname pts pns touched body =
(* parameters *)
let i = ref 0 in
let env, hist =
(fun (map, hs) (n, _) ->
(fun (map, hs) p (n, loc) ->
(* Parameters are not owned, but using them as owned here makes it
easier for borrow checking. Correct usage of mutable parameters is
already handled in *)
let id = new_id n None in
(* Parameters get no mname *)
assert (Id.equal id (Fst (n, None)));
(* Register mutable variables *)
(match p.pattr with
| Dmut -> mutables := Map.add id (None, loc) !mutables
| _ -> ());
let b = [ Bown (id, List.nth param_borrows !i) ] in
incr i;
(Map.add id (imm b) map, add_hist (imm b) hs))
(env, hist) pns
(env, hist) pts pns

(* [Umove] because we want to move return values *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1159,7 +1197,7 @@ let check_tree ~mname pts pns touched body =
{ t with tattr; tattr_loc })
(touched, body)
(check_mutated (), touched, body)

let check_items ~mname touched items =
reset ();
Expand All @@ -1179,6 +1217,8 @@ let check_items ~mname touched items =
List.fold_left_map check_item (env, false, Usage.Uread, [], hist) items

let unmutated = check_mutated () in

check_array_moves hist;
(* No moves at top level *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1206,4 +1246,4 @@ let check_items ~mname touched items =
| Dset | Dmut | Dnorm -> ())

(unmutated, items)
59 changes: 37 additions & 22 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,21 +68,35 @@ let check_annot env loc l r =
let main_path = Path.Pid "schmu"
let is_module = function Path.Pid "schmu" -> false | Pid _ | Pmod _ -> true

let check_unused env = function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error errors ->
let err (name, kind, loc) =
let warn_kind =
match kind with
| Env.Unused -> "Unused binding "
| Unmutated -> "Unmutated mutable binding "
| Unused_mod -> "Unused module import "
(Option.get !fmt_msg_fn) "warning" loc
(warn_kind ^ Path.(rm_name (Env.modpath env) name |> show))
|> print_endline
List.iter err errors
let loc_equal (af, asnd) (bf, bsnd) =
let open Lexing in
String.equal af.pos_fname bf.pos_fname
&& Int.equal af.pos_lnum bf.pos_lnum
&& Int.equal af.pos_cnum bf.pos_cnum
&& Int.equal asnd.pos_cnum bsnd.pos_cnum

let check_unused env unused unmutated =
let err (name, kind, loc) =
let warn_kind =
match kind with
| Env.Unused -> "Unused binding "
| Unmutated -> "Unmutated mutable binding "
| Unused_mod -> "Unused module import "

(* We need to use the location to match the errors because the two systems
deal with shadowing in a different way *)
let print =
match kind with
| Env.Unmutated -> List.exists (fun l -> loc_equal l loc) unmutated
| Unused | Unused_mod -> true
if print then
(Option.get !fmt_msg_fn) "warning" loc
(warn_kind ^ Path.(rm_name (Env.modpath env) name |> show))
|> print_endline
List.iter err unused

let string_of_bop = function
| Ast.Plus_i -> "+"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -917,7 +931,7 @@ end = struct
leave_level ();
let _, closed_vars, touched, unused = Env.close_function env in

let touched, body =
let unmutated, touched, body =
Exclusivity.check_tree params_t ~mname:(Env.modpath env)
(List.map2 (fun n (d : Ast.decl) -> (n, d.loc)) nparams params)
touched body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -946,7 +960,7 @@ end = struct

let kind = match closed_vars with [] -> Simple | lst -> Closure lst in
check_unused env unused;
check_unused env unused unmutated;

(* For codegen: Mark functions in parameters closures *)
let params_t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1017,7 +1031,7 @@ end = struct

let env, closed_vars, touched, unused = Env.close_function env in

let touched, body =
let unmutated, touched, body =
Exclusivity.check_tree params_t ~mname:(Env.modpath env)
(List.map2 (fun n (d : Ast.decl) -> (n, d.loc)) nparams params)
touched body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1047,7 +1061,7 @@ end = struct

let kind = match closed_vars with [] -> Simple | lst -> Closure lst in
check_unused env unused;
check_unused env unused unmutated;

(* For codegen: Mark functions in parameters closures *)
let params_t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1608,11 +1622,12 @@ let rec convert_module env mname sign prog check_ret =
List.iter (catch_weak_vars env) items;

let _, _, touched, unused = Env.close_toplevel env in

let unmutated, items = Exclusivity.check_items ~mname touched items in

let has_sign = match sign with [] -> false | _ -> true in
if (not (is_module (Env.modpath env))) || has_sign then
check_unused env unused;

let items = Exclusivity.check_items ~mname touched items in
check_unused env unused unmutated;

(* Program must evaluate to either int or unit *)
(if check_ret then
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions test/misc.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4067,11 +4067,6 @@ Check allocs in fixed array
1 | (def arr #[#[1 2 3] #[3 4 5]])

fixed_array_allocs.smu:8.6-9: warning: Unmutated mutable binding arr.

8 | (def arr& #["hey" "hie"]) -- correctly free as mut

$ valgrind -q --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes ./fixed_array_allocs
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/mutable_value_semantics.t/projection_warnings.smu
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(let ((x& [0])
(y& &x)
(z& &y))
(def w& &y)
(def ii& &w)
(set &ii ![2]))

(defn testfn (a& [b& int])
(let ((c& &a))
(set &c !123)))
33 changes: 18 additions & 15 deletions test/mutable_value_semantics.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,21 +207,11 @@ Test simple setting of mutable variables

Warn on unneeded mutable bindings
$ schmu unneeded_mut.smu
unneeded_mut.smu:1.19-20: warning: Unmutated mutable binding a.

1 | (defn do_nothing (a&)

unneeded_mut.smu:1.7-17: warning: Unused binding do_nothing.

1 | (defn do_nothing (a&)

unneeded_mut.smu:7.6-7: warning: Unmutated mutable binding b.

7 | (def b& 0)

Use mutable values as ptrs to C code
$ schmu -c --dump-llvm ptr_to_c.smu
; ModuleID = 'context'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1373,11 +1363,6 @@ Convert Const_ptr values to Ptr in copy

Fix codegen
$ schmu --dump-llvm codegen_nested_projections.smu
codegen_nested_projections.smu:2.8-9: warning: Unmutated mutable binding x.

2 | (def x& 10)

codegen_nested_projections.smu:4.8-9: warning: Unused binding z.

4 | (def z& &y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1412,3 +1397,21 @@ Partial move parameter
Partial move set
$ schmu partial_move_set.smu
$ valgrind -q --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes ./partial_move_set

Track unmutated binding warnings across projections
$ schmu projection_warnings.smu
projection_warnings.smu:8.19-20: warning: Unused binding b.

8 | (defn testfn (a& [b& int])

projection_warnings.smu:3.8-9: warning: Unused binding z.

3 | (z& &y))

projection_warnings.smu:8.7-13: warning: Unused binding testfn.

8 | (defn testfn (a& [b& int])

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