Turing.jl port of the book "Regression and Other Stories" by Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, and Aki Vehtari.
I recommend viewing via Jupyter nbviewer.
WIP - Started April 29, 2021.
🚧 = In progress
✔️ = Completed
- 🚧 AgePeriodCohort/births.html
- Arsenic/arsenic_logistic_building.html
- Arsenic/arsenic_logistic_residuals.html
- Arsenic/arsenic_logistic_apc.html
- Arsenic/arsenic_logistic_building_optimizing.html
- ✔️ Balance/treatcontrol.html
- ✔️ Beauty/beauty.html
- ✔️ CausalDiagram/diagrams.html
- ✔️ CentralLimitTheorem/heightweight.html
- Childcare/childcare.html
- 🚧 ChileSchools/chile_schools.html
- ✔️ Congress/congress.html
- Congress/congress_plots.html
- ✔️ Coop/riverbay.html
- ✔️ Coverage/coverage.html
- CrossValidation/crossvalidation.html
- ✔️ SampleSize/simulation.html
- 🚧 Death/polls.html
- DifferentSoftware/linear.html
- Earnings/earnings_regression.html
- ✔️ Earnings/earnings_bootstrap.html
- ✔️ Earnings/earnings_compound.html
- ✔️ Earnings/height_and_weight.html
- ✔️ ElectionsEconomy/bayes.html
- ✔️ ElectionsEconomy/hibbs.html
- ElectionsEconomy/hills.html
- ElectionsEconomy/hibbs_coverage.html
- ElectricCompany/electric.html
- FakeKCV/fake_kcv.html
- ✔️ FakeMidtermFinal/simulation.html
- FakeMidtermFinal/simulation_based_design.html
- ✔️ FrenchElection/ps_primaire.html
- ✔️ Gay/gay_simple.html
- Gay/gay.html
- ✔️ Golf/golf.html
- ✔️ HDI/hdi.html
- HealthExpenditure/healthexpenditure.html
- ✔️ Helicopters/helicopters.html
- Imputation/imputation.html
- Imputation/imputation_gg.html
- ✔️ Incentives/incentives.html
- ✔️ Influence/influence.html
- ✔️ Interactions/interactions.html
- ✔️ Introclass/residual_plots.html
- KidIQ/kidiq.html
- KidIQ/kidiq_loo.html
- KidIQ/kidiq_R2.html
- KidIQ/kidiq_kcv.html
- ✔️ LogisticPriors/logistic_priors.html
- Mesquite/mesquite.html
- ✔️ Metabolic/metabolic.html
- ✔️ Mile/mile.html
- Names/names.html
- Names/lastletters.html
- NES/nes_linear.html
- NES/nes_logistic.html
- Newcomb/newcomb.html
- Parabola/parabola.html
- Peacekeeping/peace.html
- ✔️ PearsonLee/heights.html
- 🚧 Pew/pew.html
- ✔️ PoissonExample/poisson_regression.html
- ✔️ Pollution/pollution.html
- Poststrat/poststrat.html
- Poststrat/poststrat2.html
- ✔️ ProbabilitySimulation/probsim.html
- ✔️ Residuals/residuals.html
- Restaurant/restaurant.html
- ✔️ RiskyBehavior/risky.html
- Roaches/roaches.html
- Robit/robit.html
- 🚧 Rsquared/rsquared.html
- Sesame/sesame.html
- ✔️ SexRatio/sexratio.html
- SimpleCausal/causal.html
- ✔️ Simplest/simplest.html
- ✔️ Simplest/simplest_lm.html
- ✔️ Stents/stents.html
- Storable/storable.html
- 🚧 Student/student.html
- 🚧 Unemployment/unemployment.html