Defend against high-risk workloads and gain visibility into vulnerable containers running on Kubernetes
kube-sentry is a validating admission webhook for Kubernetes that scans incoming container images for vulnerabilities, exports scan results to prometheus, and can prevent pods from being created based on user specified rules.
kube-sentry can be installed with the included helm chart.
helm install kube-sentry -n kube-sentry . --wait
kube-sentry requires a remote trivy server for scanning container images. By default, it is installed as a chart dependency.
The documentation directory "docs" contains information on how to configure kube-sentry certificates, validation-rules, and metrics.
Argument | Description |
tlsCertFile |
Location of the TLS certificate |
tlsKeyFile |
Location of the TLS private key |
logLevel |
Specifies the logging level (info or debug) |
insecure |
If trivy scan request should be insecure |
listenAddr |
Address for kube-senty to listen for validation requests |
metricsAddr |
Address to serve prometheus metrics |
trivyAddr |
Address of the trivy server to send scan request |
trivyScheme |
Scheme to communicate to remote trivy server |
metricsLabels |
Specifies the metrics labels to export. If not given, will export all |
sentryMode |
Enables rejecting pods based on trivy scan results |
forbiddenCves |
Specifies which CVEs in images causes pod validation to fail |
numCriticalCves |
Max number of critical CVEs pod images can have |
numAllowedCves |
Max number of CVEs pod images can have |
Contributions are always welcome. Please open an issue to discuss what you would like to change.