This repo serves as the server API for the project Stuvv, a marketplace that allows users to rent their personal-seasonal belongings and make extra cash out of it by facilitating their communication.
This server and database have been deployed at Heroku.
This project was bootstrapped with the rails new
command in the command line. As such, the following gems come pre-installed:
- puma
- bootsnap
- tzinfo-data
- Ruby version 2.6.3
- Rails version 6.0.1
- PostgreSQL 11.5
- after cloning the repo be sure to run
bundle install
to install all the dependencies - the folder and file
already have the setup for your psql DB - it’s time to have Rails create an empty database for you. You can do this by running
rake db:create
- run
rails db:migrate
to create all the tables needed orrails db:reset
to clear up the database - (optional) run
rails db:seed
to already have users and some listings without pictures in it - run
rails s
to start the server on development mode
You should be ready to get the front-end up and running now.
- cloudinary
- pg (postgres)
- jbuilder
- rack-cors
- bcrypt
- byebug
- factory_bot_rails
- listen
- spring
- spring-watcher-listen