: dir containing all the front end filesDATA_DUMP
: dir that contains the postgres server data dump
: bash script file which will install all dependencies related to your front-end.
Note: Installation file should not consist of any commands containing
: bash script to run your flask server.
Port number for flask is 5022 (5000 + 22 (our group number))
When you first run the app, you need to create and fill the database
createdb group_22
psql -d group_22 -f db_build.sql
If you want to delete all the tables and then the whole database do
psql -d group_22 -f db_drop.sql
dropdb group_22
To create DATA_DUMP, do the following
pg_dump group_22 > DATA_DUMP/data_dump.sql
Also replace all occurences of user (e.g. 'vishal') with 'group_22' in the data_dump.sql file.