- Install HACS for Home Assistant
- Add this repo as a custom repository
- Install
- Restart Home Assistant
- Generate a Long Lived Token
- Navigate to your profile page.
- At the bottom of the page you will see a section called Long-Lived Access Tokens.
- Click create.
- In the pop up give your token a name.
- Copy the token from the following pop up This will not be saved anywhere so put it somehwere you can find it again
- Copy resulting token input this in configuration.yaml:
host: {{the url to access your homeassistant instance}}
token: {{Long-Lived Access token}}
# Below items are optional
# Number of days you want notifications for defaults to 1 and if you set to 0 it overrides to 1
num_of_days: 1
# Calendars you wish to exclude
- calendar.holidays_in_united_states
# The notification services you wish to use Defaults to html5
- html5
# Time zone will take any ISO 3166 timezone string that is support by pytz
time_zone: 'US/Pacific'
# The date and time output formats take standard python strftime directives http://strftime.org/ defaults are the ones specified in this example
date_output_format: "%a, %b %d %Y"
time_output_format: "%I:%M %p"
- Restart Home Assistant
- Look for the new daily_event.notify Services in services.
You can trigger this service in an automation similarly to the one below.
alias: Daily Events Notification
initial_state: 'on'
platform: time
at: '03:00:00'
- service: daily_events.notify
# Data is optional if you have defined the number of snapshots to keep in the configuration.yaml.
# If this property is passed to the service it will be used regardless of what you have in the configuration.yaml
num_of_days: 2