AutocorrectForDevelopers is an AutoHotkey (AHK) script which automatically fixes typos using rules tailored for software developers. Its rules contain many corrections for common developer words involving keywords, classes, methods, programming languages, and programming disciplines. This script reduces runtime errors, decreases compilation times, and boosts developer productivity.
Corrections happen automatically as you type:
By default, AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk runs against all applications (except Microsoft Word), although the script can be customized to enable or disable any application (see the #HotIf/#If
statement early in the script).
Download AutoHotkey v2, then run AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk.
All rules are continuously regression tested (see tests here). All tests are run before pushing to GitHub, ensuring that new rules do not interfere with any existing rules.
Absolutely! (although v2 is preferred). AHK v1 is deprecated by the AHK development team. There is a legacy v1 version of the AutocorrectForDevelopers script here which supports AHK v1. A friendly word of caution: the v1 script is not exhaustively tested like the v2 script nor is it guaranteed to contain the latest rules.
Here is AutoHotkey's official autocomplete script. It is based in Wikipedia's common misspellings list which dates back to 2005. Jim Biancolo ported Wikipedia's list to an AutoHotkey script in 2006 and it has been officially hosted by since 2007. The original script is widely influential and has been used successfully by many people for years.
Shown below is a Venn diagram comparing excerpts from the official AutoCorrect.ahk with AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk:
AutoCorrect.ahk, shown on the left, contains many rules for rare words which software engineers are unlikely to need. It also introduces many accented characters which are correct but developer unfriendly. Lastly, the official script hasn't seen much active development in the last 15 years and therefore is missing new technology terminology.
AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk, however, contains many common software engineering terms which are absent from AutoCorrect.ahk. Because AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk is developer-centric, it will fix a higher percentage of your typos.
- Languages: AutoHotkey, C, C++, C#, COBOL, CSS, FORTRAN, Go, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Kotlin, MATLAB, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, SQL, Swift, Visual Basic
- Programs: GDB, Git, PowerShell, UNIX CLI
- Subjects: algorithms, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, compilers, concurrency, cryptography, databases, distributed systems, linear algebra, machine learning, networking, operating systems, security, statistics, system design
- (more to come!)
Does this support Espanso?
Yes! Espanso is a cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux) text expander while AutoHotkey is scoped to Microsoft Windows. Load the generated file AutocorrectForDevelopers.yaml in Espanso if you need non-Windows support.
The test point test_writeToEspansoYamlFile translates AutocorrectForDevelopers.ahk into YAML which can be consumed by Espanso.