EOSIDE organizes the workflow of development process for EOSIO smart-contracts. It leverages the functionality of EOSFactory. EOSIDE is implemented as a Visual Studio Code (VSC) extension.
EOSIDE implements the following features:
- project standardization,
- easy access to project archive,
- referencing documentation and tutorials,
- automatic availability of standard libraries,
- dependency management,
- IntelliSense code completion,
- compilation and building,
- native compilation, execution and debugging of native unit tests,
- functional unit testing,
- project packaging,
- deployment.
Watch a short video demonstrating EOSIDE in action. And here is another video demonstrating the setup process and a Hello World test.
Please refer to this document.
If you run into any problems or have suggestions for us, please post them on GitHub, or use a dedicated EOS Factory Support channel on Telegram.