Based on BurhanUlT's repo
Still very much a work in progress.
- Line-by-line analysis of text
- Make UI more user-friendly
- Add PDF support
- Update the model to support longer context window.
- Add more explaination to what is happening. (eh)
- Add cool animations (eh)
Clone the repo
Navigate to the directory
$ cd GPTZeroWeb
$ docker compose build
Building would take around 7 minutes, because spaCy does not have a pre-bult wheel.
- Run the container
$ docker compose up
- Navigate to
in your browser.
Aside from having docker and everything ready, you would want to install all the requirements in your python environment, and install the en_core_web_sm
model for spaCy.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Copied from the original README:
GPTZero is an AI model with some mathematical formulation to determine if a particular text fed to it is written by AI or a human being.
This implementation produces 100% same results as We've compared extensively on a large corpus of text to compare our values with them, and surprisingly got the same results.
This repository is built based on the hugging face
Liu, Yinhan, et al. "Roberta: A robustly optimized bert pretraining approach." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11692 (2019).