was designed to automate renaming photo files with an information useful for photographers e.g. date, exposure time and aperture. It extracts metadata from image files and uses it to rename them.
New filename follows this pattern:
The script is looking for JPG files first, but it also checks for Nikon RAW (.nef) files of the same name and renames them as well if they're exist.
Make sure you have Python installed. You can check it by running this command in terminal:
You'll also need a pip package manager. Download get-pip.py file and run:
Alternatively you can run this command:
Once pip is installed you need to install Pillow. It's a fork of Python Imaging Library used by python-exif-file-renamer for extracting EXIF data from images.
Run this command:
And you're ready to go!
Run exif_file_renamer.py
script and pass (as an argument) path to the folder containing photos you want to rename.
You can do this by navigating to the directory with the script and running the following command:
You need to specify an absolute path for the directory.