$ pip install -U git+https://github.com/tomerten/PyElegant.git
Runing MPI from withing the singularity container for PElegant sometimes gives errors like toe one below:
Fatal error in PMPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack: MPIR_Init_thread(565)..............: MPID_Init(224).....................: channel initialization failed MPIDI_CH3_Init(105)................: MPID_nem_init(324).................: MPID_nem_tcp_init(178).............: MPID_nem_tcp_get_business_card(425): MPID_nem_tcp_init(384).............: gethostbyname failed, nbmachine01 (errno 1)
The way to solve this is to make sure that your terminal hostmname is the
same as the one in /etc/hosts/
: localhost terminal_host_name