A project related to Engineering Design and Finite-state Machine.
Here is a demo video of my robot car:
A Finite-state machine (FSM) is a mathematical model of computation. Simply speaking, the machine will perform a sequence of actions depending on different inputs. When the machine reads an input, it will change from its original state to a different state, the process of changing from one state to another is called a transition.
Here is an example of Finite-state machine in daily lives:
Traffic Light: A sequence of actions will be triggered depending on the states of other traffic lights
- States: RED, RED and YELLOW, YELLOW, GREEN Lights
- Transitions:
- State Diagram:
Build a robot car, pick up as many paper cups as possible from a designated arena and drop off the cups at a specific location within a given time limit.
The designated arena is as follows:
- Time limit is 3 minutes
- Robot car must start at the Start Zone
- Cups must be collected by the cup grip of the robot car
- The number of retrievable cups is 12. Cups will be placed at some specific locations
- Only cups that are returned to the End Zone will be counted
- A cup will not be replaced if it is collected or knocked off from the stands
- If cups are fallen outside of the arena during the transportation by the robot car, it will be counted as out-of-bounds and will be removed
- If cups are not returned to the End Zone by the robot car, it will be counted as out-of-bounds and will not be counted as a returned cup
- Unlimited number of trials can be attempted within the time limit.
- The robot car can be restarted at the Start Zone if malfunction happens
- You can pick up more than one cup in each trial
- Number of cups successfully returned to the End Zone
- Required time for returning the last cup into the End Zone within the time limit