All-in-one execution environment for Ansible Controller / AWX
Once upon a time...
Ansible was 'batteries included', meaning that you could install Ansible, write a playbook and get up and running quickly, most of the modules you'd want to use would come bundled in. This was great for new users, but not so great for the developers who found themselves spread thin, supporting a growing list of modules. The Ansible team decided to take the batteries out.
This makes it easy to put the batteries back in.
This provides a large number of community collections, allowing you to use modules on AWX or Automation Controller with little fuss. It includes almost all collections (83 out of 89 of the most popular) but not all python libraries.
In your AWX / Ansible Automation controller UI, https://awx/#/execution_environments/add
You can then add it in job templates as required.
Requirements for this method:
- Docker / Podman
- ansible-builder
You can modify the requirements.yml file to support only the modules you require. You may need to add additional python libraries in your requirements.txt, some of them are captured under collection_requirements. In Development: the custom_build_playbook will generate a new requirements.txt, with only the python libraries associated to the enabled collections.
Then, generate a new image with:
ansible-builder build --tag ansible_custom_ee -v 3
Verbose output is strongly reccomended.
Almost certainly if you're using this execution environment and your required module fails, it will be due to a missing python library. Feel free to reach out to me, or raise an issue here if you're having trouble and I'll help out when I can. Building a new (and stripped down) execution environment will be the fastest way to get you up and going. See Ansible Builder for instructions -
bash-4.4# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.11.4rc1.post0]
config file = None
configured module search path = ['/home/runner/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/runner/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.8.6 (default, Jan 29 2021, 17:38:16) [GCC 8.4.1 20200928 (Red Hat 8.4.1-1)]
jinja version = 2.10.3
libyaml = True
## Included Collections
- arista.eos
- awx.awx
- check_point.mgmt
- cisco.aci
- cisco.asa
- cisco.intersight
- cisco.ios
- cisco.iosxr
- cisco.meraki
- cisco.mso
- cisco.nso
- cisco.nxos
- cisco.ucs
- community.crypto
- community.digitalocean
- community.docker
- community.fortios
- community.general
- community.grafana
- community.hashi_vault
- community.hrobot
- community.kubevirt
- community.kubernetes
- community.libvirt
- community.mongodb
- community.mysql
- community.okd
- community.postgresql
- community.proxysql
- community.rabbitmq
- community.routeros
- community.skydive
- community.sops
- community.vmware
- community.zabbix
- containers.podman
- cyberark.conjur
- cyberark.pas
- dellemc.enterprise_sonic
- dellemc.openmanage
- dellemc.os10
- dellemc.os6
- dellemc.os9
- f5networks.f5_modules
- fortinet.fortimanager
- fortinet.fortios
- frr.frr
- gluster.gluster
- hetzner.hcloud
- hpe.nimble
- ibm.qradar
- junipernetworks.junos
- kubernetes.core
- mellanox.onyx
- netapp.cloudmanager
- netapp.elementsw
- netapp.ontap
- netapp_eseries.santricity
- netbox.netbox
- ngine_io.cloudstack
- ngine_io.exoscale
- ngine_io.vultr
- openvswitch.openvswitch
- ovirt.ovirt
- purestorage.flasharray
- purestorage.flashblade
- sensu.sensu_go
- recordsansible.ara
- servicenow.servicenow
- t_systems_mms.icinga_director
- theforeman.foreman
- vyos.vyos
- wti.remote
## Excluded Collections
### Disabled due to issue with azure_compute #
- chocolatey.chocolatey
- azure.azcollection
- netapp.um_info
### Seems to break things in spectacular fashion
- infinidat.infinibox