Release v0.2.4
08ed883 Added dependabot for github actions
1e60768 Added release workflow, announcments
a77894b Bump @babel/cli from 7.15.4 to 7.15.7
48c0d59 Bump @jest/globals from 27.2.1 to 27.2.2
7bb8347 Bump babel-jest from 27.2.0 to 27.2.1
1b4ed4f Bump babel-jest from 27.2.1 to 27.2.2
18bebd5 Bump jest from 27.2.0 to 27.2.1
97e4baf Bump jest from 27.2.1 to 27.2.2
8bfb707 Bump jest-cli from 27.2.0 to 27.2.1
0259500 Bump npm-check from 4.1.4 to 5.9.2
919458d Bumped version, deps
32dcda7 Install all deps first
6978f74 Merge pull request #101 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/npm-check-5.9.2
1bc95d5 Merge pull request #102 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/babel/cli-7.15.7
ae3d22d Merge pull request #103 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/jest-cli-27.2.1
0f725be Merge pull request #104 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/babel-jest-27.2.1
27cc01c Merge pull request #105 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/jest-27.2.1
c572ec1 Merge pull request #107 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/jest-27.2.2
aab5945 Merge pull request #108 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/jest/globals-27.2.2
1f723b7 Merge pull request #110 from tonicpow/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/master/babel-jest-27.2.2
d197f29 Moved files to github dir
23000f6 Try npm cmd ci
83e02a5 Use npm instead of yarn