This line-bot built for the tenant who can ask line-bot specific keyword to grab rental information from 591-website.
- Developed this line bot crawler with python and use LINE Messaging API SDK for python. Deploy python flask backend code to Heroku and set up line secret and access token in Heroku environments. Set webhook to Heroku URL from the line manager project. Through the webhook, the Heroku backend can receive the message that user said to the robot.
591 位置=[新北市,台北市,...,三重區,蘆洲區,大安區] 類型=[整層住家,獨立套房,分租套房,雅房,車位,其他] 租金=[最低價格,最高價格] 坪數=[最低坪數,最高坪數]
591 位置=新北市 類型=整層住家 坪數=20,30
591 位置=三重區 租金=10000,23000 類型=整層住家
591 位置=蘆洲區 類型=獨立套房 租金=5000,15000
- 選擇區域
- 選擇類型
- 選擇坪數
- 租金範圍
- 目前除「新北市」外,其他縣市沒法正常搜尋,都會找不到物件。
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git checkout -b my-feature-branch
- Commit your change
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-feature-branch
- Submit a pull request
- Tony Yang - initial & develop basic feature - tonyydl
Create an issue for all discussions, bugs, feature requests and pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details