Deprecated - used Control Tower instead
Apr 3, 2020 - Go
Concourse CI/CD is an open source platform which runs on two main Docker containers. Once Concourse is installed, all you have to do is to use the docker-compose up command to bring up the Concourse server. Concourse uses Postgres as its database.
Deprecated - used Control Tower instead
Docker image with Docker Compose. Useful as a base image for integration tests in Concourse CI.
Deploy and operate Concourse CI in a single command
A role to install concourse CI
performs SonarQube analyses and checks quality gates
A Concourse resource generator
A Concourse CI resource for running Ansible playbooks
maintained rancher catalogs like jira, confluence, openldap, nexus ..
🚀 Concourse CI resource for tracking git branches of Bitbucket pull-requests
A Concourse resource that can trigger and pass parameters to jobs using slack
A continuous integration plugin that helps organize release information in slack
Terraform setup to deploy an ECS based concourse-ci setup.
Make it easy to run kind as a concourse task -- hopefully!
An ansible role to manage Concourse CI
Concourse CI cheatsheet
Concourse CI fast upstart boilerplate for test or production
Concourse CI resource to build machine images with Packer