A template for Catalyst 8000v in controller mode(cEdge/SDWAN mode) with support for config export and import. This will either accept a "regular" configurtion or a bootstrap configuration from vManage. If you have installed a non-default root certificate this will be exported and added to the bootstrap file.
The image used for testing is c8000v-universalk9.17.09.04.iso.
This process prerequisites that you have created a regular C8000v image according to the EVE-ng guide.
1. Copy the Catalyst 8000v folder to a new c8000vcm folder.
cd ~
cp -r /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/c8000v-{version} /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/c8000vcm-{version}
2. Clone the git repository and run install.sh
git clone https://github.com/torbbang/eve-ng_c8000vcm c8000vcm
cd c8000vcm
chmod +x install.sh
3. Copy the base config ISO into your new EVE-ng image directory from step 0.
cp config.iso /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/c8000vcm-{version}
4. Fix permissions for the added files.
# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
5. Enjoy!
NOTE: Bootstrap configs are used to achieve loading of startup-config from EVE. The bootstrap process takes a few minutes to complete after boot. If you attempt to start using the CLI before this has completed you will be faced with a user exec prompt and be presented the message "authentication failure" if you attempt to enter privileged mode. To get around this you simply wait a minute and enter "exit" to be presented with the regular login prompt. If you wait until the node is "ready" per the EVE UI you will not face this issue.