This repo allow you to get and set metadata
- Typescript compatible. Includes Type definitions
- All API's return
This module is distributed in 3 formats
in es5 formatcommonjs
in es5 format with problematic packages bundled (benfits non-webpack users)umd
in es5 format without polyfilling corejs minified
By default, the appropriate format is used for your specified usecase You can use a different format (if you know what you're doing) by referencing the correct file
The cjs build is not polyfilled with core-js. It is upto the user to polyfill based on the browserlist they target
CDN's serve the non-core-js polyfilled version by default. You can use a different
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
This is a plugin that works only on the client side. So please register it as a ssr-free plugin.
Add @toruslabs/metadata-helpers
to your project:
To allow your web app to retrieve keys:
Install the package
npm i @toruslabs/metadata-helpers
yarn add @toruslabs/metadata-helpers
- This package requires a peer dependency of
- Node 18+