Git-scan is designed for users who have many overlapping git repositories -- for example, developers who work with "composer" or "drush-make" may build out working directories which include half a dozen or more repos. Key features:
- Zero configuration
- Works with deeply nested repositories
- Filters and displays repositories based on their status ("git scan status")
- Performs safe (fast-forward) updates on repositories when valid ("git scan update")
- Executes custom commands ("git scan foreach -c '...'")
- Agnostic to the build system (eg works equally well with "composer", "drush-make", and manually-written build scripts)
- Agnostic to the branch/submission/review process (eg works with personal read/write repos as well as GitHub repos that require pull-requests)
- IO-intensive -- Performs filesystem scan and does not cache results
The concepts and use-case are described in more depth in the blog post, Developer Tip: Managing Multiple Git Repos
git-scan is distributed in PHAR format, which is a portable executable file (for PHP). It should run on most Unix-like systems where PHP 7.2+ is installed.
Simply download git-scan to somewhere in your PATH, and make it executable, eg.
cd /usr/local/bin # or wherever else you want it to go, such as ~/bin
sudo curl -LsS -o git-scan
sudo chmod +x git-scan
me@localhost:~/drupal-demo$ git scan st
[[ Finding repositories ]]
[[ Checking statuses ]]
5/5 [============================] 100%
[[ Results ]]
| Status | Path | Local Branch | Remote Branch |
| S | drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm | master | upstream/master |
| | drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal | 7.x-master | upstream/7.x-master |
| FMN | drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages | master | upstream/master |
| | drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm_developer | master | origin/master |
[F] Fast-forwards are not possible
[M] Modifications have not been committed
[N] New files have not been committed
[S] Stash contains data
me@localhost:~/drupal-demo$ git scan up
[[ Finding repositories ]]
[[ Fast-forwarding ]]
Fast-forward drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm (master <= upstream/master)...
Fast-forward drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal (7.x-master <= upstream/7.x-master)...
Skip drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages: Cannot be fast-forwarded
Fast-forward drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm_developer (master <= origin/master)...
me@localhost:~/drupal-demo$ git scan foreach -c 'echo "This is $(pwd)."; echo "The relative path is $path."; echo'
This is /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm.
The relative path is sites/all/modules/civicrm/.
This is /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal.
The relative path is sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal/.
This is /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages.
The relative path is sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/.
This is /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm_developer.
The relative path is sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm_developer/.
me@localhost:~/drupal-demo$ git scan foreach -c 'git pull --rebase' -v
[[ Finding repositories ]]
[[ /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm ]]
STDOUT Current branch master is up to date.
[[ /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal ]]
STDOUT Current branch 7.x-master is up to date.
[[ /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages ]]
STDERR Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes.
STDERR Please commit or stash them.
[[ /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages: exit code = 1 ]]
[[ /home/me/drupal-demo/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm_developer ]]
STDOUT Current branch master is up to date.
me@localhost:~/drupal-demo$ git scan am
In "sites/all/modules/mymodule/", the current branch is "master" based on "origin/master". What would you like to do it?
[keep ] Keep the current branch "master" along with any local changes. Apply patches on top.
[rebuild] Rebuild the branch "master" based on "origin/master". Destroy any local changes. Apply changes on top.
[new ] Create a new branch "merge-master-20160411152732" based on "origin/master". Apply changes on top.
[abort ] Abort the auto-merge process. (default)
> new
You may optionally create a file, ~/.git-scan.json
, to customize the
behavior. Supported options:
: An array of path names to skip when scanning (e.g..svn
If you have phpunit 8.x / 9.x, then you can run the test suite. For example:
$ composer create-project totten/git-scan
$ cd git-scan
$ phpunit
PHPUnit 8.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from /home/me/src/git-scan/phpunit.xml.dist
Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 6.50Mb
OK (49 tests, 121 assertions)
The helper ./scripts/
is a small wrapper which will download and
execute a suitable version of phpunit
If you are developing new changes to git-scan
and want to create a new
build of git-scan.phar
from source, you should have
, composer
, and
$ git clone
$ cd git-scan
$ composer install
$ which box
$ php -dphar.readonly=0 /usr/local/bin/box build
The helper ./scripts/
is small wrapper which will download and
execute a suitable version of box