In this template I attempt a number of things:
- Make the layout of dokuwiki as simple as possible, striping it from any excess features I do not need, such as .discussions.. Simplyfying the layout further.
- Fully support Bootstrap 3, with theme as default, though I prefer
better. - My goal is to build a template in which I can easily publish my frequently used text's, commands, action plans etc for my friends a colleagues to use and add to.
- Back to basics, sharing knowledge and information between peers without collatoral.
- Easily switch template visuals using pre-populated styles from
- Bootstrap 3 ready.
- Automatic sidebar that scrolls along with you, collapsing / opening the main header of where you are in the page
- Dokuwiki Menu functions out of sight, but just 2 clicks away.
Do something like the following:
- Install DokuWiki as you normally would. See
cd dokuwiki/lib/tpl
mkdir dokubootstrapsimplified
cd dokubootstrapsimplified
git init
git pull
- Using DokuWiki's admin interface, change the wiki's template to dokubootstrap-simplified.
From the Configuration Manager screen you can change to any of the available bootstrap themes on
If however you want to substitute the library with your own bootsrap theme you need to be aware of the following files
- css/
- bootstrap-.min.css
- modifications.css: place minor global modifications to the bootstrap theme here. See included modifications.css, which enables the use of TOC sidebar.
- js/
- bootstrap.min.js: compile all your desired plugins into a single minimized javascript file. The included bootstrap.min.js is version 3.0.2 andincludes all plugins.
- modifications.js: Contains all javascript additions, including some client-side fixing of markup, adding the scroll behavior to the TOC etc.
This theme is hard-coded to use minified Bootstrap CSS and Bootstrap javascript.
Tested with Dokuwiki "Binky" and "Ponder Stibbon".
This theme is intended primarily for small sites that are modified by only a handfull of people. Effort has been made to make public facing things look nice, but non-public interfaces (e.g., edit interfaces, admin, configuration settings) may not have been updated and may appear ugly. These should still be functional.
When making changes, please have a carefull look at js/modifications.js; it contains some client side fixing of markup, which could be done in the Dokuwiki core code, but that's to deep a change to be included in this template. The comments in the .js file should provide suffiecient clarification on the purpose of each statement.
The only major bug
that I am aware of is that, when attempting to upload a
new file to the median manager, a file upload button might not appear. Click on
the words "select files..." and the file upload select box will appear.
This template supports the use of a nav.html
file (a sample is included).
Add any Wiki-wide links that you would like to, with each link being inside an
li element. I tried adding support for a Wiki-based navigation page, instead of
raw HTML, but due to how DokuWiki outputs lists, the output clashed with
existing CSS and was unusable.
This template does support a footer.html
file, which will be output after
the page information and site license.
This template does support a meta.html
file, which will be output right
before the head element is closed.
This theme started as a fork from So big thanks to Ryan.
Also, this template would not exists without and
This DokuWiki theme is based off of the dokutwitterbootstrap Template, released under GPL v2.0. Therefore, this template is also released under that license.
I've modified the template to make even more use of Twitter Bootstrap code/functionality. Twitter Bootstrap is licensed under Apache License v2.0. According to , the Free Software Foundation does not consider GPL2 to be compatible with Apache 2.0.
I don't really know how much it matters to the average user. Consult a lawyer if you're worried about this potential incompatibility.