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Implement a Casper Objective-C SDK to interact with the Casper network.


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ObjectiveC SDK library for interacting with a CSPR node.

What is CSPR-ObjectiveC-SDK?

SDK to streamline the 3rd party ObjectiveC client integration processes. Such 3rd parties include exchanges & app developers.

System requirement

The SDK use ObjectiveC 2.0 and support device running IOS from 13.0, MacOS from 10.15, WatchOS from 5, tvOS from 12

Build and test

The package is built an tested in Xcode IDE

To test the project you need to have a Mac with Mac OS and XCode 13 or above to build and run the test.

Download or clone the code from Github, then open it with Xcode by Double click the "Package.swift" file.

Wait for a while for the project to fully loaded, then click on "Casper-ObjectiveC-sdk-main" item in the left panel, then select the Target for Bulding/Testing as shown in the image below: (Select the text line right above the red rectangle in this image)

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 11 38 22

A scroll of device list will appear. Choose 1 device, such as "Ipad (8th Generation)" as shown in this iamge:

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 11 36 54

You need 1 more step to make the SDK build and run correctly, it is the setting up the Pem file for Crypto functions.

Setting up environment for Crypto functions

The Ed25519 test is written in file "CryptoEd25519Test.m" under "Tests" folder.

The Secp256k1 test is written in file "CryptoSecp256k1Test.m" under "Tests" folder.

First you have to choose 1 folder in your Mac device to read/write the Public/Private key for both Ed25519 and Secp256k1 when build/run the Package from Xcode. You if do not do this step. The test will sure fail.

This step is just an example for the setting up the Pem file path and place, you can put create your own folder, put the Pem file and then point the path to the Pem file in that folder. As long as these things is set up correctly, the SDK will build and run without error. If you are not sure of what to do, just follow these steps below.

Under folder "Users" in your Mac create 1 folder with name "CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest", then under that newly created folder create two more folder "Ed25519" and "Secp256k1"

After this step finish, you will have 2 folder which are:

"Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Ed25519" and "Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Secp256k1"

Under the "Tests/CryptoFiles" folder of this Casper ObjectiveC SDK you will see 2 folders "Ed25519" and "Secp256k1". In folder "Ed25519" you will see 2 files: "ReadSwiftPrivateKeyEd25519.pem" and "ReadSwiftPublicKeyEd25519.pem", In folder "Secp256k1" you will see 2 files: "ReadSwiftPrivateKeySecp256k1.pem" and "ReadSwiftPublicKeySecp256k1.pem". They are the pre-build pem key files, used for task of reading Pem file to Private/Public key.

Copy 2 files: "ReadSwiftPrivateKeyEd25519.pem" and "ReadSwiftPublicKeyEd25519.pem" to folder "Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Ed25519"

Copy 2 files: "ReadSwiftPrivateKeySecp256k1.pem" and "ReadSwiftPublicKeySecp256k1.pem" to folder "Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Secp256k1", somehow the structure of the folder is like this

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 10 24 23

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 10 25 09

In Xcode, open file "ConstValues.m" under folder "Sources/CasperSDKObjectiveC/CommonClasses" go to the end of the file, change the value of the variables that fit your folder path that you have created, somehow like this:

NSString *const CRYPTO_PATH_SECP256K1 = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Secp256k1/";
NSString *const CRYPTO_PATH_ED25519 = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Ed25519/";
NSString *const ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_PEMFILE = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Ed25519/ReadSwiftPrivateKeyEd25519.pem";
NSString *const ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_PEMFILE = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Ed25519/ReadSwiftPublicKeyEd25519.pem";
NSString *const SECP256K1_PRIVATE_KEY_PEMFILE = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Secp256k1/ReadSwiftPrivateKeySecp256k1.pem";
NSString *const SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_PEMFILE = @"/Users/CasperObjectiveCCryptoTest/Secp256k1/ReadSwiftPublicKeySecp256k1.pem";

You can see this image to see what the values in the file are:

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 10 43 55

This setup is very important because "account_put_deploy" RPC method test also need this setup to run correctly. Once you have set up the path and files like above, you can feel free to test the Crypto functions and account_put_deploy RPC call.

After that,

In the menu bar of XCode, hit Product->Build to build the SDK. Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 11 06 54

In the menu bar of XCode, hit Product->Test to test the SDK. Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 11 07 18

You will see the Test or build log as shown in this image: (Press "Cmd + Shift + Y" to show the Log if you don't see it)

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 11 47 26

Information for Secp256k1, Ed25519 Key Wrapper and Put Deploy

Key wrapper specification:

The Key wrapper do the following work:(for both Secp256k1 and Ed25519):

  • (PrivateKey,PublicKey) generation

  • Sign message

  • Verify message

  • Read PrivateKey/PublicKey from PEM file

  • Write PrivateKey/PublicKey to PEM file

The key wrapper is used in account_put_deploy RPC method to generate approvals signature based on deploy hash.

The core Ed25519 and Secp256k1 Crypto is not avaiable in ObjectiveC native, but the taskes for these cryptos can be done by calling Swift libraries and online packages, which are encapsulated in one Swift package at this address:

This package is written in Swift for handling Ed25519 and Secp256k1 crypto tasks and provide protocol with wrapped classes for ObjectiveC to call certain crypto functions. This package also provide Blake2b256 function for ObjectiveC.

To have a simple idea of the structure of the Crypto handle in ObjectiveC, please see this image:

Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 08 07 09

The structure of the system for handling Crypto in ObjectiveC is: There are classes for handling Crypto in Objective C, which can be called from the Casper ObjectiveC SDK. These ObjectiveC classes use "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" - A Swift Libary for Crypto Handle. This Swift Libray "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" provide Ed25519 Crypto by using the built-in library Curve25519 of Apple This Swift Libray "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" provide Secp256k1 Crypto by using the SwiftECC package from Github at this address:

In ObjectiveC SDK, to use the "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" Swift package, simply add the package in file "Package.swift" by this declaration: (Please see the Package.swift file under the Casper-ObjectiveC-sdk package)

dependencies: [
   .package(name: "CasperCryptoHandlePackage", url: "", from: "1.0.2"),

In any ObjectiveC code file, to use the Crypto function that this package provides, simply add this import at the beginning of the ObjectiveC file.

@import CasperCryptoHandlePackage;

In Casper ObjectiveC SDK, the Ed25519 task is done in file "Secp256k1Crypto.m" in "Crypto" folder. This file provides all functions for all the crypto tasks above. For example, to generate the Private and Public key, please refer to function

-(CryptoKeyPair *) generateKey {
   CryptoKeyPair * ret = [[CryptoKeyPair alloc] init];
   Ed25519CrytoSwift * ed25519 = [[Ed25519CrytoSwift alloc] init];
   KeyPairClass * kpc = [ed25519 generateKeyPair];
   ret.privateKeyStr = kpc.privateKeyInStr;
   ret.publicKeyStr = kpc.publicKeyInStr;
   return ret;

This function use a "Ed25519CrytoSwift" class object from the Swift package "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" This object provides function "generateKeyPair" which return an object holding the Private and Public key pair in form of a string repesent the key bytes. For example the Private key is somehow like this in ObjectiveC: 58_1_61_242_77_251_54_204_135_74_45_117_67_18_30_184_144_193_158_142_182_68_229_185_27_56_181_134_38_235_28_51 _ And the Public key is somehow like this: 138_121_31_76_52_190_241_244_216_11_26_29_151_147_196_119_186_49_12_134_43_21_243_127_134_56_3_169_170_156_4_233 _

As long as you have the Private/Public key in that format (and correct number in the sequence), you can generate the Private/Public Ed25519 key.

For Secp256k1, the tasks are done in file "Secp256k1Crypto" under folder "Crypto" in ""ObjectiveC. This class calls "Secp256k1CryptoSwift" from the Swift package "CasperCryptoHandlePackage" to do the task of key generation, sign/verify message. The Private/Public key in ObjectiveC for Secp256k1 is stored in Pem String format. From that string the Public/Private Secp256k1 key is generate in "CasperCryptoHandlePackage"

Put deploy specification:

The put deploy RPC method implements the call "account_put_deploy". User needs to declare a deploy and assign the information for the deploy (header,payment,session,approvals). The following information is generated based on the deploy:

  • Deploy body hash - base on the serialization of deploy body, which is a string of payment serialization + deploy session serialization. Then use the blake2b256 hash over the generated serialized string to make the deploy body hash. The deploy body hash is an attribute of the deploy header.

  • Deploy hash: Use the blake2b256 hash over the header of the deploy.

  • Signature in deploy approvals is generated using the deploy hash using the key wrapper to sign over the deploy hash. You can use either Secp256k1 or Ed25519 to sign over the deploy hash, based on the account type of the deploy. If the deploy use account of type Secp256k1 then you have to sign with Secp256k1 key. If the deploy use account of type Ed25519 then you have to sign with Ed25519 key.

  • The whole deploy with full information is then serialized to a Json string and sent with a POST request to Casper main or test net, or localhost to call account_put_deploy RPC method.

To call the Put Deploy correctly, remember to do the following thing:

  • Know what your account type is, Ed25519 or Secp256k1.

  • Save your private key in 1 place that you can point to from code.

  • Choose correct path to private key to sign for the deploy hash in put deploy function.

See the "Test for Crypto functions" part on how to set up the Public/Private key folder for the Crypto functions.

The Test Put Deploy use the following Account:

  1. Account with Public Key "01d12bf1e1789974fb288ca16fba7bd48e6ad7ec523991c3f26fbb7a3b446c2ea3" for Ed25519 encryption. A detail view of the Account can be seen at this address:

In "PutDeployTest.m" file under folder "Tests" of the Casper ObjectiveC SDK , after calling this function

- (void) testPutDeployEd25519 

You will see the new deploy appears in the list, as shown in this image

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 11 41 38

After you run the Test with the "PutDeployTest.m" file, you will see a new line appears in the Deploy list below the Account detail, which means 1 Deploy is put successfully to the system.

  1. Account with Public Key "0202572ee4c44b925477dc7cd252f678e8cc407da31b2257e70e11cf6bcb278eb04b" for Secp256k1 encryption. A detail view of the Account can be seen at this address:

In "PutDeployTest.m" file under folder "Tests" of the Casper ObjectiveC SDK , after calling this function

- (void) testPutDeploySecp256k1 

You will see the new deploy appears in the list, as shown in this image

Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 11 43 05

After you run the Test with the "PutDeployTest.m" file, you will see a new line appears in the Deploy list below the Account detail, which means 1 Deploy is put successfully to the system.

Usage how to

The Casper ObjectiveC SDK can be used from App Project or Package writen in ObjectiveC.

  1. Import and using Casper ObjectiveC SDK from ObjectiveC App project

  2. Import and using Casper ObjectiveC SDK from ObjectiveC package

Documentation for classes and methods

ObjectiveC version of CLType primitives, Casper Domain Specific Objects and Serialization

CLType primitives

The CLType is an enum variables, defined at this address: (for Rust version)

In ObjectiveC, the CLType when put into usage is part of a CLValue object.

To more detail, a CLValue holds the information like this:




The CLValue is built up with 3 elements: cl_type, parsed and bytes. In the examples above,

  • For the first example:

    • The cl_type is: U512
    • The parsed is: "100000000"
    • The bytes is: "0400e1f505"
  • For the second example:

    • The cl_type is: List(Map(String,String))
    • The parsed is:
 - The bytes is: "010000000100000009000000746f6b656e5f7572695000000068747470733a2f2f676174657761792e70696e6174612e636c6f75642f697066732f516d5a4e7a337a564e7956333833666e315a6762726f78434c5378566e78376a727134796a4779464a6f5a35566b"

CLType in detail

In ObjectiveC the "cl_type" is wrapped in CLType class, which is declared in CLType.h and CLType.m file. The CLType class stores all information need when you want to declare a CLType, and also this class provides functions to turn JSON object to CLType object and supporter function such as function to check if the CLType hold pure value of CLType with recursive CLType inside its body.

The main properties of the CLType object are:

@property NSString * itsType;
@property CLType * innerType1;
@property CLType * innerType2;
@property CLType * innerType3;

In which the property "itsType" is to hold information of the CLType type, which can be 1 among 23 possible value from "Bool", "I32","I64", "U8" ... to "Tuple1", "Tuple2", "Tuple3" and "Any".

The innerType1 is to hold the inner CLType for the following CLType: List, Tuple1, Option

The innerType1 and innerType2 is to hold the inner CLType for the following CLType: Map, Result, Tuple2

The innerType1 and innerType2 and innerType3 is to hold the inner CLType for the following CLType: Tuple3

Here are some examples of declaring the CLType object for some types:

To declare for a CLType of type Bool:

 CLType * typeBool = [[CLType alloc] init];
 typeBool.itsType = CLTYPE_BOOL;

To declare for a CLType of type List(Map(String,U32)):

   CLType * mapKeyType = [[CLType alloc] init];
   mapKeyType.itsType = CLTYPE_STRING;
   CLType * mapValueType = [[CLType alloc] init];
   mapValueType.itsType = CLTYPE_U32;
   CLType * typeMap = [[CLType alloc] init];
   typeMap.itsType = CLTYPE_MAP;
   typeMap.innerType1 = mapKeyType;
   typeMap.innerType2 = mapValueType;
   CLType * typeList = [[CLType alloc] init];
   typeList.itsType = CLTYPE_LIST;
   typeList.innerType1 = typeMap;

CLParsed in detail

The "parsed" is wrapped in CLParsed class, which is declared in CLParsed.h and CLParsed.m file. The CLParsed class stores all information need when you want to declare a CLParsed object, and also this class provides functions to turn JSON object to CLParsed object and supporter function such as function to check if the CLParsed hold pure value of CLType object or with hold value of recursive CLType object inside its body.

The main properties of the CLParsed object are:

@property CLType * itsCLType;
@property NSString * itsValueStr;
@property CLParsed * innerParsed1;
@property CLParsed * innerParsed2;
@property CLParsed * innerParsed3;
@property NSMutableArray * arrayValue;
@property NSString * itsCLTypeStr;

In which the property "itsCLType" is to hold CLType of the CLParsed object, which can be 1 among 23 possible value from "Bool", "I32","I64", "U8" ... to "Tuple1", "Tuple2", "Tuple3" and "Any".

The property itsValueStr is to hold value of CLParsed that doesn't contain recursive CLParsed inside its body

The property arrayValue is to hold value of List and FixedList elements

The innerParsed1 is to hold the inner CLParsed object for the following CLType: Tuple1, Option

The innerParsed1 and innerParsed2 is to hold the inner CLParsed for the following CLType: Map, Result, Tuple2

The innerParsed1 and innerParsed2 and innerParsed3 is to hold the inner CLParsed for the following CLType: Tuple3

itsCLTypeStr is a short way to get the direct CLType of the CLParsed. The value of itsCLTypeStr is 1 among 23 possible value of the CLType. With this attribute, you can know very fast the topmost CLType of the CLParsed (if the CLParsed hold recursive CLParsed inside its body, such as List, Map, Result, Option, Tuple1, Tuple2, Tuple3)

Here are some examples of declaring the CLParsed object for some types:

To declare for a CLParsed of type U512 with value "1234":

   CLParsed * parseU512 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   CLType * typeU512 = [[CLType alloc] init];
   typeU512.itsType = CLTYPE_U512;
   parseU512.itsValueStr = @"1234";
   parseU512.itsCLType = typeU512;

or just simple like this:

  CLParsed * parseU512 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
  parseU512.itsValueStr = @"1234";
  parseU512.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U512;

To declare for a CLParsed of type List(I64) with the value of {10,20,30}:

    CLParsed * parsedList = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
    //Assign the cltype for clparsed
    //Declare for the CLType
    CLType * typeList = [[CLType alloc] init];
    typeList.itsType = CLTYPE_LIST;
    CLType * typeI64 = [[CLType alloc] init];
    typeI64.itsType = CLTYPE_I64;
    typeList.innerType1 = typeI64;
    parsedList.itsCLType = typeList;
    //Assign the value for CLParsed
    CLParsed * parsed641 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
    parsed641.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U64;
    parsed641.itsValueStr = @"10";
    CLParsed * parsed642 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
    parsed642.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U64;
    parsed642.itsValueStr = @"20";
    CLParsed * parsed643 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
    parsed643.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U64;
    parsed643.itsValueStr = @"30";
    parsedList.arrayValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    [parsedList.arrayValue addObject:parsed641];
    [parsedList.arrayValue addObject:parsed642];
    [parsedList.arrayValue addObject:parsed643];

CLValue in detail

To store information of one CLValue object, which include the following information: {bytes,parsed,cl_type}, this SDK uses a class with name CLValue, which is declared in CLValue.h and CLValue.m file. with main information like this:

@interface CLValue:NSObject
@property NSString * bytes;
@property CLType * cl_type;
@property CLParsed * parsed;

This class also provide a supporter function to parse a JSON object to CLValue object.

When get information for a deploy, for example, the args of the payment/session or items in the execution_results can hold CLValue values, and they will be turned to CLValue object in ObjectiveC to support the work of storing information and doing the serialization.

Example of declaring CLValue object

Take this CLValue in JSON


This JSON will turn to a CLValue like this:

CLValue * clValue = [[CLValue alloc] init];
//assignment for bytes
clValue.bytes = @"0400e1f505";
//assignment for parsed
CLParsed * parsed = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
parsed.itsValueStr = @"100000000";
parsed.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U512;
clValue.parsed = parsed;
//assignment for cl_type
CLType * clType = [[CLType alloc] init];
clType.itsType = CLTYPE_U512;
clValue.cl_type = clType;

Take this CLValue in JSON:


This JSON will turn to a CLValue like this:

 CLValue * clValue = [[CLValue alloc] init];
   //assignment for bytes
   clValue.bytes = @"010000000100000009000000746f6b656e5f7572695000000068747470733a2f2f676174657761792e70696e6174612e636c6f75642f697066732f516d5a4e7a337a564e7956333833666e315a6762726f78434c5378566e78376a727134796a4779464a6f5a35566b";
   //assignment for cl_type
  CLType * mapKeyType = [[CLType alloc] init];
  mapKeyType.itsType = CLTYPE_STRING;
  CLType * mapValueType = [[CLType alloc] init];
  mapValueType.itsType = CLTYPE_STRING;
  CLType * typeMap = [[CLType alloc] init];
  typeMap.itsType = CLTYPE_MAP;
  typeMap.innerType1 = mapKeyType;
  typeMap.innerType2 = mapValueType;
  CLType * typeList = [[CLType alloc] init];
  typeList.itsType = CLTYPE_LIST;
  typeList.innerType1 = typeMap;
   clValue.cl_type = typeList;
   //assignment for parsed
   CLParsed * parsedList = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   parsedList.itsCLType = typeList;
   //define the List inner Parsed type of ClParseMap
   CLParsed * parsedMap = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   //to hold the key list of the map
   parsedMap.innerParsed1 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   CLParsed * key1 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   key1.itsValueStr = @"token_uri";
   key1.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U512;
   parsedMap.innerParsed1.arrayValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
   [parsedMap.innerParsed1.arrayValue addObject:key1];
   //to hold the value list of the map
   parsedMap.innerParsed2 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   CLParsed * value1 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   value1.itsValueStr = @"";
   value1.itsCLTypeStr = CLTYPE_U512;
   parsedMap.innerParsed2.arrayValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
   [parsedMap.innerParsed2.arrayValue addObject:value1];
   parsedList.innerParsed1 = [[CLParsed alloc] init];
   parsedList.innerParsed1.arrayValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
   [parsedList.innerParsed1.arrayValue addObject:parsedMap];
   clValue.parsed = parsedList;

Casper Domain Specific Objects

All of the main Casper Domain Specific Objects is built in ObjectiveC with classes like Deploy, DeployHeader, ExecutionDeployItem, NamedArg, Approval, JsonBlock, JsonBlockHeader, JsonEraEnd, JsonEraReport, JsonBlockBody, JsonProof, ValidatorWeight, Reward, ... and so on. All the class belonging to the RPC call is built to store coressponding information.


The serialization is build for the following classes & objects:

  • CLType serialization
  • CLParse serialization
  • Deploy serialization (which include: Deploy header serialization, ExecutableDeployItem serialization for deploy payment and deploy session, Deploy Approvals serialization)

In detail:

CLType serialization

The CLType serialization is processed in CLTypeSerializeHelper.h and CLTypeSerializeHelper.m file. For each of the 23 possible types, the serialization result is a string for that type. The returned string is based on the following rule:

- CLType Bool the return string is "00"
- CLType Int32 the return string is "01"
- CLType Int64 the return string is "02"
- CLType U8 the return string is "03"
- CLType U32 the return string is "04"
- CLType U64 the return string is "05"
- CLType U128 the return string is "06"
- CLType U256 the return string is "07"
- CLType U512 the return string is "08"
- CLType Unit the return string is "09"
- CLType String the return string is "0a"
- CLType Key the return string is "0b"
- CLType URef the return string is "0c"
- CLType Option the return string is "0d" + CLType.serialize for Option inner CLType
- CLType List the return string is "0e" + CLType.serialize for List inner CLType
- CLType ByteArray the return string is "0f"
- CLType Result the return string is "10" + CLType.serialize for "Ok" inner CLType + CLType.serialize for "Err" inner CLType
- CLType Map the return string is "11" + CLType.serialize for "key" inner CLType + CLType.serialize for "value" inner CLType
- CLType Tuple1 the return string is "12" + CLType.serialize for Tuple1 inner CLType
- CLType Tuple2 the return string is "13" + CLType.serialize for Tuple2 inner CLType 1 + CLType.serialize for Tuple2 inner CLType 2
- CLType Tuple3 the return string is "14" + CLType.serialize for Tuple3 inner CLType 1 + CLType.serialize for Tuple3 inner CLType 2 + CLType.serialize for Tuple3 inner CLType 3
- CLType Any the return string is "15"
- CLType PublicKey the return string is "16"

CLParse serialization

The CLParse serialization is done with the reference to the document at this address:

and the work of serialization is done through the class CLParseSerializeHelper which declared in file CLParseSerializeHelper.h and CLParseSerializeHelper.m

This class provides all the function necessary to serialize for all parsed value of all 23 possible values of CLType, for example the function :

+(NSString*) serializeFromCLParseInt32:(CLParsed*) fromCLParse;

is for Int32 serialization, or

+(NSString*) serializeFromCLParseTuple2:(CLParsed*) fromCLParse;

is for the parsed of CLType Tuple2 serialization.

The big number (U128, U256, U512) value serialization is done through the class NumberSerialize which defined in "NumberSerialize.h" and "NumberSerialize.m" file. This class also handle some helper method for smaller number serialization, such as U32, U64, U8, I32, I64.

Deploy serialization

The deploy serialization is built base on the content of the deploy itself. The class for doing this is DeploySerializeHelper class defined in "DeploySerializeHelper.h" and "DeploySerializeHelper.m" file.

There are 3 main function in this class for serialization of deploy header, deploy approvals and deploy. The deploy payment and session is of type ExecutableDeployItem and is serialized with ExecutableDeployItemSerializationHelper class, defined in "ExecutableDeployItemSerializationHelper.h" and "ExecutableDeployItemSerializationHelper.m" file.

Deploy header serialization:

The rule for deploy header serialization is:

Deploy header serialization = deployHeader.account + U64.serialize(deployHeader.timeStampMiliSecondFrom1970InU64) + U64.serialize(deployHeader.ttlMilisecondsFrom1980InU64) + U64.serialize(gas_price) + deployHeader.bodyHash

Deploy payment/session serialization

The rule for ExecutableDeployItem serialization (deploy payment and deploy session):

  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type ModuleBytes: Serialization result = "00" + String.serialize(module_bytes) + args.serialization
  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type StoredContractByHash: Serialization result = "01" + hash + String.serialize(entry_point) + args.serialization
  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type StoredContractByName: Serialization result = "02" + String.serialize(name) + String.serialize(entry_point) + args.serialization
  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type StoredVersionedContractByHash: Serialization result = "03" + hash + Option(U32).serialize(version) + String.serialize(entry_point) + args.serialization
  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type StoredVersionedContractByName: Serialization result = "04" + String.serialize(name) + Option(U32).serialize(version) + String.serialize(entry_point) + args.serialization
  • For ExecutableDeployItem of type Transfer: Serialization result = "05" + args.serialization

Deploy approvals serialization

The rule for deploy approvals serialization is:

If the approval list is empty, just return "00000000", which is equals to U32.serialize(0)

If the approval list is not empty, then first get the approval list length, then take the prefixStr = U32.serialize(approvalList.length)

Then concatenate all the elements in the approval list with rule for each element:

1 element serialization = singer + signature

Final result = prefixStr + (listApprovals.serialize)

Deploy serialization

The deploy itself is serialized under this rule:

Deploy serialization = deployHeader.serialize + deploy.hash + deployPayment.serialize + deploySession.serialize + deployApprovals.serialize