You should use this instead:
Font Helper for Figma for Linux OS.
Copy this in terminal
curl -L | bash
Font Helper is a simple http server witch get requests from figma on localhost, reads fonts and gives it to the Figma. When You open a figma project in a browser Figma send local http request in Your system. Font Helper replies on this request and returns list of fonts.
You can change Font Helper config file under non-root user. The config file is a simple JSON file.
nano ~/.config/figma-fonthelper/config.json
After that You need to restart Font Helper for apply changes:
systemctl --user restart figma-fonthelper.service
The app put all logs into the /var/log/fonthelper
When Font Helper starts it create a new log file in the directory each time.
Just type this in terminal for check status of Font Helper:
systemctl --user status figma-fonthelper.service
You don't need update it manually.
Font Helper updates automatically via figma-fonthelper-updater.service
If you didn't disable it :)
Just disable updater via terminal:
systemctl --user stop figma-fonthelper-updater.service
systemctl --user disable ffigma-onthelper-updater.service
And for enabling of auto updates:
systemctl --user start figma-fonthelper-updater.service
systemctl --user enable figma-fonthelper-updater.service
In terminal:
~/local/share/figma-fonthelper/fonthelper -v