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Software Requirements

André S edited this page May 20, 2016 · 2 revisions

Here are the requirements for the software of the inverter listed. These that are ether derived from The Requirements or are dictated by hardware design decisions. Also features that have no link to other requirements are to be listed here for reference what should or must be implemented in the inverter software.

The schema for requirement IDs is a text tag followed by a "-" sign follow by a number. Numbers start with 4 digits with the section number at the 4th digit. Requirements in the same section all have the same first digit(s) with the last 3 digits increasing with each requirement. E.g. the first section will be "1000" with the first requirement being "1001". The second section is then "2000" with the first requirement in this section beeing "2001" and so on.)
Requirement ID Description Status implements
SOFT-0000 General
SOFT-0001 The software of the inverter must use a RTOS to enable porting of the software to other platforms with a minimum of effort. Also a RTOS provides security features and schedulers which are necessary in a safety relevant environment. Examples for RTOS that may be used: FreeRTOS, PicoOS.
SOFT-1000 Debugging
SOFT-1001 The software must provide an interface (e.g. UART, USB…) for debugging, readout of system parameters, setting of system behaviour via parameters… open
SOFT-1001-1 The access to this parameters must be limited to the local interface and not be accessible via any optional communication interface open
SOFT-2000 Updating
SOFT-2001 The controller software should be easy to update without special programming hardware. This may be done via a communications interface or a USB memory device.
SOFT-3000 Control requirements
SOFT-3001 The software must not run on a not approved hardware version of the inverter board. It may generate a signal on one dedicated output to display that condition.
SOFT-3002 The signals to the inverter bridge must be handled with special care. It must not happen that two signals going to the same branch of the inverter bridge are active at the same time. This would destroy the inverter. If the chosen controller supports mutual locks of two signals that must be utilized.
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