A photo log CMS built on PocketBase and Astro.
I was looking for a way to migrate my photo log from a hosted platform (tumblr, flickr, instagram) to a self-hosted solution.
All available options are either too bloated (Wordpress), not suited for photography (Ghost) or just seem too complex (headless CMS + custom frontend) for the task at hand.
So this is my solution for my problem.
The goal is to make the software usable by anyone who wishes to self-host, via images and docker compose.
The project is on it's way to a v1 but there are still a few things to do before that.
- Add admin interface to change settings.
- Add photo sets feature
- Create backend deployment docker image
- Improve rendered image quality
- Process image on upload (size & metadata)
Distributed under the APACHE license. See LICENSE for more information.