Awsume 4+ only.
This is a plugin that enables you to use your assumed role credentials to open the AWS console in your default browser.
pip3 install awsume-console-plugin
If you've installed awsume with pipx
, this will install the console plugin in awsume's virtual environment:
pipx inject awsume awsume-console-plugin
There are two ways to use this plugin.
- Use your current environment variables to open the console
awsume -c
Will open the AWS console using the current environment variables
- Use the credentials returned from an awsume call
awsume <profile_name> -c
Will run awsume on<profile_name>
as it normally would, but will open the console using the credentials from running awsume on<profile_name>
- Get a console link
awsume <profile_name> -cl
Will run awsume on<profile_name>
as it normally would, but will print a link to the console using the credentials from running awsume on<profile_name>
and not attempt to open the default browser.
- Redirect to a service
awsume <profile_name> -cs <service>
Will run awsume on<profile_name>
as it normally would, but will open the console to a specific service page using the credentials from awsume.
- If you want to get the url itself instead of trying to open the console, use:
awsume <profile_name> -cl
awsume <profile_name> --console-link
- If you want to get a url that redirects you to a specific console's service page, use the
-cs flag
awsume <profile_name> -cs cloudformation
awsume <profile_name> --console-service cloudformation
You can combine the console link and console service modifiers to print a link that redirects you to a specific service page:
awsume <profile_name> -cls cloudformation
awsume <profile_name> --console-link-service cloudformation
Some services have urls that are less-than-obvious. For instance, the step functions console url is /states
, lightsail is /ls
, etc. For this reason a default mapping is maintained to catch some of those common issues. Here's a list of what input maps to what url:
input | url |
cfn | cloudformation |
ddb | dynamodb |
ssm | systems-manager |
stepfunctions | states |
sfn | states |
org | organizations |
api | apigateway |
cfnt | cloudfront |
cw | cloudwatch |
codecommit | codesuite/codecommit |
codebuild | codesuite/codebuild |
codedeploy | codesuite/codedeploy |
codepipeline | codesuite/codepipeline |
code | codesuite |
r53 | route53 |
route | route53 |
lightsail | ls |
eb | elasticbeanstalk |
sar | serverlessrepo |
sgw | storagegateway |
wat | wellarchitected |
sso | singlesignon |
waf | wafv2 |
You can maintain your own custom mapping if you want, too. The
global configuration property is used to add additional service mappings.
c: cloudformation
That config will add a mapping from input of c
to a url of cloudformation
If you supply a url to the console service modifier, that url will be used as the redirect url. So if you want to view the cloudwatch logs for a lambda in a specific account, you can run:
awsume <profile> -cs https://console.{amazon_domain}/cloudwatch/home?region={region}#logEventViewer:group=/aws/lambda/<my_function>
You can use awsume's configuration to store a custom command (in the console.browser_command
key) that will be executed instead of the default
. The command will be used with python's str.format
call, so that you can supply where the url should go.
- the console urlprofile
- the profile name
The following will open chrome using a unique profile so that you can open N-number of AWS consoles concurrently.
Note you may need to adjust the path and other arguments on your machine.
$ awsume --config set console.browser_command "\"/Applications/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=/tmp/{profile} \"{url}\""
The following will open chrome in incognito mode
$ awsume --config set console.browser_command "\"/Applications/Google Chrome\" -incognito \"{url}\""
The following will open firefox using a unique temporary profile:
$ awsume --config set console.browser_command "/Applications/ -profile /tmp/{profile} -no-remote \"{url}\""
The following will open chrome and will use your default chrome profile to create the temporary profile used by awsume:
$ awsume --config set console.browser_command cp -r "\"/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/\" \"/tmp/{profile}/Default\"; \"/Applications/Google Chrome\" --user-data-dir=/tmp/{profile} \"{url}\" --no-first-run"
Note you need to adjust the path to use YOUR_USERNAME