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Open Source Verilog Based Hardware Description Language Written in the Julia Programming Language


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Open Source Verilog Based Hardware Description Language Written in the Julia Programming Language


Juliog functions cannot be directly parsed into the julia command-line or your operating system's command console. They must first be parsed through a preprocesser to sanitize the syntax and convert the (julia-esque) syntax to genuinely runnable julia code

There are 3 ways to input juliog code for loading

  1. Call the parsefile function on a juliog file of interest

    julia> func = parsefile(file_dir)

    where file_dir is the file location as a string of where the juliog function is found

    julia> file_dir = "C:/Users/Trevor/Documents/full_adder.jl"
    julia> func = parsefile(file_dir)
  2. Through a blocked expression

    julia> func = :( 
        function example(example_input, example_output)
         	# example implementation
  3. Through a quoted expression

    julia> func = quote 
        function example(example_input, example_output)
     	   # example implementation

Then once the Juliog has been entered into Julia as an Expr, run loadJULIOGexpr

julia> loadJULIOGexpr(func)

Where func is the name of the inputted expression

Then, for preprocessing, run @block

julia> @block example "Arbitrary Block Name" (example_in, example_out)

Where :example is the name of the hardware function, "Arbitrary Block Name" is the arbitary name of the hardware block implementation, and the Tuple contains the names of testbench wires and parameters.


How to set parameters

There are 4 ways to set parameters to a hardware design function

  1. Setting a local parameter

    Behaves identically to localparm in Verilog
    Just call an assignment within a juliog function.
    This cannot be overwritten at a higher level.

        julia> this_param = 5
  2. Passing a parameter through function interface

    Behaves identically to parameter in Verilog.
    If your hardware function has keywords they can be overwritten.

        julia> function LOGIC(OUT, IN ; passed_param = 8)
     	   # LOGIC implementation

    This then is called from above by:

        julia> @block LOGIC "Clever_Name" (OUT_wire, IN_wire ; passed_param = 16)

    Where for the LOGIC hardware function, the passed_param has been overwritten.

  3. Importing a modular parameter

    First create a module of parameters, likely in your command-line or an include file.

    julia> module my_parameters
        word_length   = 32 
        nibble_length = 4

    then import the module in your hardware function

    julia> function LOGIC(OUT, IN)
        import my_parameters
        # LOGIC implementation

    Alternatively, individual parameters can be requested

    julia> function LOGIC(OUT, IN)
        import my_parameters.word_length
        import my_parameters.nibble_length

    This follows the Julia Module syntax, see Julia Stable Modules

  4. Create a global parameter

    This behaves similarly to #define in Verilog.

    You can just set a large portion of your design according to a specific global parameter, greatly reducing code complexity.

    julia> function LOGIC(OUT, IN)
        global global_param
        # LOGIC implementation

    Then, somewhere in the testbench, the console command-line, or an include file:

        julia> global global_param = 16

    The parameterization step of preprocessing will take care the rest.

How to create a wire

There are 5(+1) ways to create a wire

  1. Create a wire of indeterminate bit length (not yet supported)

    julia> indet_wire = Wire()
  2. Create a wire of bit length 1

    julia> bit_wire = Wire()[a] 

    where a is a non-negative Int

  3. Create a wire of bit length 1 or greater

    julia> bus_wire = Wire()[a:b]

    where a and b are non-negative Ints.

    a and b can be the same number, i.e. bit length of 1.

    both endians accepted:
    Either a or b can be greater than the other.

  4. Assign a value to an undefined variable name

    julia> isdefined(:new_wire) # this returns false
    julia> new_wire = A & B # the := can also be used here 

    The bit length of the new_wire will be determined by the bit length of the wire that the right hand side solves to. For this example the bit length would be that of A and B

  5. Assign a value to an undefined variable name of determinate bit length

    julia> isdefined(:new_wire) # this returns false
    julia> new_wire[7:0] = A & B # the := can also be used here 
  6. Maybe a vcat or a tuple (not yet implemented)

    julia> [cout ; sum] := A + B
    julia cout, sum := A + B

Output and input creation only allows for 1-3 above:

julia> indet_output = Output()
julia> indet_input  = Input()
julia> bit_output   = Output()[a]
julia> bit_input    = Input()[a]
julia> wire_input    = Input()[a:b]
julia> wire_output   = Output()[a:b]

Higher Dimensionality Wires (in progress, but not yet complete, do not use)

  • This section needs fleshing out
  • Mention difference between Julia matrix syntax and verilog bus syntax

Just like any other higher-order programming language, Julia supports multidimentional arrays.

Juliog extends this functionality for the creation of multi-dimensional wires.

Multi-dimensional wires are commonly refered to as buses in Verilog parlance.

Buses of indeterminate width are not allowed, but the wires within can still be indeterminate.

julia> bus_bit_wires   = Wire()[a][c:d]
julia> bus_wires       = Wire()[a:b][c:d]
julia> bus_indet_wires = Wire()[][c:d]

The same is also capable for inputs and outputs, using same syntax

julia> bus_bit_inputs    =  Input()[a][c:d]
julia> bus_inputs        =  Input()[a:b][c:d]
julia> bus_bit_outputs   = Output()[a][c:d]
julia> bus_outputs       = Output()[a:b][c:d]

Wire Assignments

Can be accomplished in 1 of 3 seperate ways

  1. using equals operator (=) after wire creation

    julia> created_wire = Wire()
    julia> created_wire = A & B
  2. using colon-equals operator (:=) after wire creation

    julia> created_wire = Wire()
    julia> created_wire := A & B

    Note that this is functionally equivalent to using the = operator at the gate level

    The = operator is converted to the := operator in preprocessing and the := is ultimately used for assignment once converting to Verilog and Julia

    A reason the designer may choose to use := over = is for ease of code clarity, keeping assignments as := may improve code legibility

  3. Using = or := to declare an as of yet undeclared wire

    julia> undeclared_wire = A & B
    # OR
    julia> undeclared_wire := A & B

A wire can also be assigned to a constant value

But only after it is already created, otherwise the wire will be replaced through out the codebase with your static value

julia> const_25 = Wire()
julia> const_25 = 25

Whereas the following will not create a wire, but will create a parameter:

julia> const_25 = 25
  • Add reverse indexing explanation

Bit indexing

Indexing a wire on the right hand side of = or := is identical to verilog syntax

julia> word = Input()[7:0]
julia> upper_nibble = word[7:4]
julia> lower_nibble = word[3:0]
julia> one_bit = word[7]

Of course, the colon-equals operator is also fine

julia> word = Input()[7:0]
julia> upper_nibble := word[7:4]
julia> lower_nibble := word[3:0]
julia> one_bit := word[7]

Bit(s) Assignment

The bits of a wire can be assigned on the left hand side

But only for a wire which has already been created

julia> upper_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> lower_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> nibbles = Wire()[7:0]
julia> nibbles[7:4] = upper_nibble
julia> nibbles[3:0] = lower_nibble

The following two examples would also be accepted:

julia> upper_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> lower_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> nibbles = Wire()[7:0]
julia> nibbles[7:4] = upper_nibble[3:0]
julia> nibbles[3:0] = lower_nibble[3:0]	
julia> upper_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> lower_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> nibbles = Wire()[7:0]
julia> nibbles[7:4] := upper_nibble[3:0]
julia> nibbles[3:0] := lower_nibble[3:0]	

Note that again, the := operator is acceptable for assignment. It is, not, however acceptable to use a := operator for Wire or I/O creation. The = operator is exclusive for that operation.

Note also, that the following is NOT accepted, since nibbles was not previously created:

julia> upper_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> lower_nibble = Input()[3:0]
julia> nibbles[7:4] = upper_nibble # Throws an Error
julia> nibbles[3:0] = lower_nibble # Throws an Error

In this example, we are attempting to write to bits which we are not certain actually exist. There is a means by which this could be acceptable, but in the Juliog language, we ban it outright. Writing to specific bits of wires is only allowed if the wire is created A Priori.

Bit Concatentation

The bits of any two or more wires can be concatenated in the following manner

julia> combined = [a ; b]     # for 2 wires
julia> combined = [a ; b ; c] # for 3 wires
julia> # can be extended for any number of wires

The wires of interest can, of course, be the indexed bit(s) of a larger wire

julia> combined = [a[3:0] ; a[1:0] ; b[5:0]]

Bit Repetition

A wire's bit(s) can be concatenated to itself a set number of times

julia> bit_repeats = a(repeats)
julia> other_bit_repeats = a[3:0](repeats)

Where a is a wire, and repeats is an integer

These can also be concatenated just as above:

julia> complicated = [ a(repeats) ; a[1:0](8) ; b[1:0] ]

Supported Logic Functions

&   - AND
|   - OR
~   - NOT
+   - ADD
-   - SUB
*   - MULT
/   - DIV
%   - REM
==  - Equivalence
!=  - Non-Equivalence
>   - Greater than
<   - Lesser than
>=  - Greater than or equal to
<=  - Lesser than or equal to
<<  - Shift Left
>>  - Logical Shift Right

>>> - Arithmetic Shift Right
	An important note about the shift right operations
	The >>> in Julia is the logical shift right
	The >> in Julia is the arithmetic shift right
	This is opposite in Verilog, and so JG code follows the verilog convention
	Outside of JG, file, they will be in the julia convention

^ - XOR
	An important note about the xor operation:
	The xor function in Julia is called by xor(num, other_num)
	The ^ operator is reserved for the power function
		e.g. 2 ^ 5 => 32
	So in preprocessing, the ^ op is replaced by a xor function call
	Outside of JG file, the ^ op will act as a power operator

? : - MUX
	An imporant note about the ? : operation
	the ? : op is parsed in julia into an if-else statement
	It is therefore completely indistinguishable from an if-else statement

Latch - through special logic see below
Reg   - through special logic see below

Unitary & and | not yet supported, support is in decision

Instantiating Children Hardware functions

julia> :(
	function LOGIC(OUT, IN)
	# LOGIC implementation

	@block CHILD_LOGIC "the_child_logic" (ol_output, my_val)

	# More LOGIC implementation

Strings in block names enable interpolation, which can then be used to dynamically change name at compile time:

julia> :(
	function LOGIC(OUT, IN)
	# LOGIC implementation

	for i = 1:n
		@block CHILD_LOGIC "child_logic_$(i)" (ol_output[i], my_val)

	# More LOGIC implementation

if-else constructs

At the parameterization stage, any variables will be replaced with their constant values.

Any statically defined if conditions will reduce to either true or false at compile time. If the condition reduces to the static Bool true then the contents of the if block will be raised to the level of the if statement, the condition will be removed, and the else block will be removed. For an if statment in the function block, the if block will be raised to function block; for a nested if statement, the nested if will be raised to the parent if statement. If the condition is reduced to a static Bool false then the contents of the else block will be raised, the if block will be removed, and the condition will be removed. Should no else condition exist, then nothing will be raised, and the entire if statement will be removed.

julia> :(
	architecure = "Accumulating"
	if architecture == "Accumulating"
		# Accumulating architecture code
		# Non accumulating architecture code

When the parameter (can also be referred to as a local variable) :architecture is defined to be "Accumulating" the block will be reduced to the following:

julia> :(
	if true
		# Accumulating architecture code
		# Non accumulating architecture code

And, ultimately:

julia> :(
	# Accumulating architecture code

For the if statement condition which is not statically defined (i.e. dynamically defined in relation to a wire value) the if statement and all of its constituent parts (the if condition, the if block, and the else block should it exist) will be parameterized, but not raised, nor removed.

If the if statement can't be determined at compilation time i.e. The if statement is determined by a wire:

julia> :(
	# nibble_index, out_wire, and value are created as wires
	if nibble_index == 0
		out_wire = value[3:0]
		out_wire = value[7:4]

Then the if statement will not be block-wise reduced as above. Constants where applicable, even within the if block, will still be replaced. And the if-else statement will be turned into a MUX at preprocessing time.

Case Statements

Aren't supported natively in Julia, and are not supported here, as well.

Case statements are an additional abstraction which may never be necessary.

for loops

Juliog can unroll for loops.

julia> :(
	# l is a parameter and equals 3; c, a, b are created as wires
	for i = 0:l
		c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
		# Other assignments

At compile time, the static for condition will unroll the above to the following code snippet:

julia> :(
	c[0] = a[0] + b[0]
	# Other assignments
	c[1] = a[1] + b[1]
	# Other assignments
	c[2] = a[2] + b[2]
	# Other assignments
	c[3] = a[3] + b[3]
	# Other assignments

Supports 4 Syntaxes for the for condition:

julia> for i = 1:l
julia> for i = [1; 2; 4; 6; 27] # Vertical Concatenation
julia> for i = [1  2  4  6  27] # Horizontal Concatentation
julia> for i = [1, 2, 4, 6, 27] # Vectors

Important Macros


Can be used to create any kind of register


Can be used to create a posedge register (or a synchronously resetteble PR)


Can be used to create a negedge register (or a synchronously resetteble NR)


Can be used to quote off specific block of functional asynchronous logic


Can be used to establish a delay for a specific Juliog assignment or lines of code


Can be used to initialize a submodule


Any string following @verilog will be unchanged and spit directly to Verilog


Any string following @julia will be unchanged and spit directly to Julia

Creating Registers

The @posedge macro

julia> :(
	# CLK, D, Q created as wires

	@posedge CLK begin
		Q <= D

	# Alternatively
	@posedge CLK begin
		Q = D

The @negedge macro

julia> :(
	# CLK, D, Q created as wires

	@negedge CLK begin
		Q <= D

	# Alternatively
	@negedge CLK begin
		Q = D

The @reg macro

julia> :(
	# RST, CLK, D, Q created as wires

	# for a posedge
	@reg begin
		if CLK == 1
			Q = D

	# for a negedge
	@reg begin
		if CLK == 0
			Q = D

	# for a double-edged
	@reg begin
		if     CLK == 1
			Q = D
		elseif CLK == 0
			Q = D

	# for an async-reset posedge
	@reg begin
		if     RST == 1
			Q = 0
		elseif CLK = 1
			Q = D

Creating Latches

Use an if-else or a ternary operation to create latches

julia> :(
	# pass, D, and Q created as wires

	if   pass == 1
		D = Q
		D = D

Or with the ternary operation:

julia> :(
	# pass, D, and Q created as wires

	D = (pass == 1) ? Q : D

Just like Verilog, Juliog supports "accidentally" creating latches:

julia> :(
	# pass, D, and Q created as wires

	if pass == 1
		D = Q

Note that the sanitization stage of preprocessing will warn you of the accidental latch. The explicit latch created by the other two examples will NOT warn you.

Creating Delays

Use the @delay macro

@delay floating_point assignment

The number must be represented as a floating point number.

e.g. for a delay of 5

julia> :(
	@delay 5.0  A := B[3:0]
	# OR
	@delay 5.0 begin
		A := B[3:0]

Difference between logic inside and outside @async call

Logic can be established inside a seperate @async macro

julia> :(
	@async begin
		A := B[3:0]

Any logic included inside of an @async block is indistinguishable from logic outside of an @async block. So the following example is logically equivalent to the above example:

julia> :(
	A := B[3:0]

However, the reason for its inclusion is

  1. Aid in code clarity
  2. Has specific impacts on the conversion to verilog

Inclusion of Don't Cares and High Impedances

They are in here, but at present, are dumb. They only exist to aid in simulation. They can't be used to certifiably debug code, but their inclusion may help you catch some architecture problems. You should check parity with the testbench for complete debugging.

julia> A = Wire()[0]
julia> A := 'x'
julia> A := 'z'

Driving the same wire by multiple logic calls

Is possible, will fuck up your shit.
Don't assign to the same bits more than once.
I am in the process of checking for this. But it isn't certain yet.


Occurs after the parameterization and sanitization steps of preprocessing.

The @async macro does three things:

  1. @async macro calls are directly converted into always @* function calls in verilog
  2. Any wire assigned within an @async macro will be converted to a reg
  3. Any if-else statements inside of and @async will remain an if-else statement inside an always block, whereas if-elses outside @async will be turned into ? : calls

The reason it might be desirable to use or not use @async macros is due to the intended hardware.

  • FPGA compilation tends to improve with explicit ? : Mux calls, due to the poor quality of FPGA compilation software. Therefore, the @async macro may not be desired

  • ASIC compilation is done in Design Compiler, where the existence of always blocks versus ? : Mux calls is fairly insubstantial.

  • The @async macro can be also used as a style choice


Noticable Absences from the 0.1 release

  • Julia Simulation only works on 64 bit machines, with the 64 bit installation of Julia. Preprocessing, and conversion to Verilog does not carry this constraint
  • Absence of smart +, -, *, /, remainder
  • Matrix or Bus notation
  • Working ifs, registers of any kind


  • Tuples and vcats on left hand side of equations

  • Julia Matrix Notation and Verilog Bus Notation

  • Supports writing values to ints, as opposed to vcat with 0s and 1s

  • nonblocking operator <= is less than equal operator in Julia, consider changing

  • if statements support differing left hand side assignments. At present, the lhs side of any statement in an if block has a dumb way of matching.


  • Polymorphic Julia code (Write Once)

  • Combinational Reductions:

    Trace a path of operations e.g. [& & | + - ^] from input to reg, reg to reg, reg to output have a list of combinational reduction equivalences

  • Flatten function:

    Removes any hierarchy from function, unrolls everything into top level

  • Lossless bitlength decisions, Lossy bit length decisions

    Intelligent and Power-saving bitlength decisions. Wires of indeterminate bitlength act as indicators for programming.

  • Instances of algorithmic equivalences

    For a defined set of functions and a finite input set, algorithmic equivalence can be defined. A defined set of equivalent functions can be extrapolated to solve for equivalent algorithm for a defined algorithm.

  • Generalized Hardware Programmability

    Given a "program" to map to hardware, and a complete description of the programmable hardware, a generalized program can be written which tells you: One, if the program can be successfully mapped to the programmable hardware, and two, a generalized--if potentially very inefficient--means to map the program onto the hardware.

  • Reversible logic so simulation can be played forward/backwards

  • Visual graph which shows i.r.t what wire values are

  • CPU emulation running alongside Hardware simulation

  • Multithreaded Simulation

  • Vulkan-accelerated Simulation

  • Synthesis

  • Vulkan-accelerated Synthesis

  • SPICE integration

  • Stochastic delay modelling

  • Easy Monte-Carlo simulations




Open Source Verilog Based Hardware Description Language Written in the Julia Programming Language







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