QUBESHub supergroup template used by all supergroups. Multiple branches will be created for different templates.
master branch: Default HubZero template with modified header, banner and footer (green color scheme)
- Banner image (1425px x 150px): Place a
file in the uploads directory. - Banner and title is clickable and will take you to the Overview page.
- Favicon image: Place a
file in the uploads directory to change the favicon icon in the browser tab (default is the QUBES logo). To generate a favicon from an image/logo: http://www.favicomatic.com/. - All pages automatically display under the Overview tab in the menu.
- Banner image (1425px x 150px): Place a
menu branch: All features of the master branch, with the addition of:
- Changed the Overview tab to Main.
- Added a down caret icon in the Main tab if there are additional pages in the menu.
- Only pages with the page category menu will be displayed under the Main tab.
sidebar branch: All features of the menu branch, with the addition of:
- All community areas (e.g. forum, members, announcements, etc.) are in a floating left sidebar.
- All pages that were previously under the Main tab are now top level in the menu and displayed in the menu bar.
If you are adding a global feature, please work in the master branch and use git cherry-pick
to merge that feature into the other branches. For example, if the feature has already been pushed to the master branch, do the following:
git checkout menu
git cherry-pick <commit hash>
git push
git checkout sidebar
git cherry-pick <commit hash>
git push
This repo is a submodule within the qubeshub/hubzero-cms repo. Additional instructions for working with submodules will be put here in the near future.