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Item Values

Tristan Kechlo edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 2 revisions
  • these are the values of the items, when the config hasn't been altered
  • items can be added/removed from the config
  • all items not listed in here have the defaultItemWorth
  • all values can be changed in the file ../config/toolleveling/item_values.json


Item Name Value Item Name Value Item Name Value
coal COAL 8 coal_ore COAL_ORE 30 coal_block COAL_BLOCK 73
iron_ingot IRON_INGOT 15 iron_ore IRON_ORE 12 iron_block IRON_BLOCK 135
gold_ingot GOLD_INGOT 40 gold_ore GOLD_ORE 30 gold_block GOLD_BLOCK 360
diamond DIAMOND 160 diamond_ore DIAMOND_ORE 160 diamond_block DIAMOND_BLOCK 1450
lapis LAPIS_LAZULI 8 lapis_ore LAPIS_ORE 120 lapis_block LAPIS_BLOCK 70
emerald EMERALD 100 emerald_ore EMERALD_ORE 800 emerald_block EMERALD_BLOCK 900
redstone REDSTONE 4 redstone_ore REDSTONE_ORE 60 redstone_block REDSTONE_BLOCK 36
quartz QUARTZ 10 quartz_ore NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE 40 quartz_block QUARTZ_BLOCK 40
netherite_ingot NETHERITE_INGOT 200 netherite_scrap NETHERITE_SCRAP 50 ancient_debris ANCIENT_DEBRIS 50
netherite_block NETHERITE_BLOCK 1800 glowstone_dust GLOWSTONE_DUST 4 glowstone GLOWSTONE 15


Item Name Value Item Name Value
golden_apple GOLDEN_APPLE 400 golden_carrot GOLDEN_CARROT 100

Mob Drops

Item Name Value Item Name Value Item Name Value
slime_ball SLIME_BALL 25 slime_block SLIME_BLOCK 225 ender_pearl ENDER_PEARL 20
blaze_rod BLAZE_ROD 30 ender_eye ENDER_EYE 50 blaze_powder BLAZE_POWDER 15
magma_cream MAGMA_CREAM 50 ghast_tear GHAST_TEAR 200 nether_star NETHER_STAR 2500
shulker_shell SHULKER_SHELL 200 ender_crystal END_CRYSTAL 300 xp_bottle EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE 100
dragon_egg DRAGON_EGG 2000 dragon_head DRAGON_HEAD 2000


Item Name Value Item Name Value
ender_chest ENDER_CHEST 140 beacon BEACON 2500