/!\ The Slack API is constantly moving and the documentation is not really up to date so some features will not work with the most recent Slack Bots.
Sending messages will still work.
Simply run :
pip install notifbot
Now you need to set up a slack application that will be able to use the slack API and this interface. You need to start here :
Create an app and get your two tokens :
Bot User OAuth Access Token : "xoxb-XXXX"
OAuth Access Token : "xoxp-XXXX"
Now you need to register these two tokens as environment variables like so :
The second token is used only to clean public channels in slack, so NotifBot can work without it for the most part.
The bot will need a lot of permission to post and manage messages, the Manifest for my application looks like that :
major_version: 1
minor_version: 1
name: Notifbot
display_name: Notifbot
always_online: true
- admin
- channels:history
- channels:read
- channels:write
- groups:history
- groups:read
- groups:write
- im:history
- im:read
- im:write
- calls:read
- calls:write
- channels:history
- channels:read
- chat:write
- chat:write.public
- dnd:read
- files:read
- groups:read
- im:history
- im:read
- im:write
- incoming-webhook
- mpim:history
- mpim:read
- mpim:write
- pins:write
- reactions:read
- reactions:write
- remote_files:read
- remote_files:share
- remote_files:write
- team:read
- users:read
- users:read.email
- users:write
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: false
token_rotation_enabled: false
They are available in the "OAuth & Permissions" your slack application page.
You can give only specific permissions if you want but some features might not work.
Content of the demo.py
file :
# %% Packages.
from notifbot import NotifBot
import time
# %% Sending messages.
# A single message can be sent using only the notify class method :
NotifBot.notify('Sending a message using the class method.', str_channel='DJ2A424H1')
# But you need to know the exact channl ID.
# It is better to use an instance of NotifBot, which keeps track of all users and public channels, and also
# Allows to manage progress bars.
# To initialize a notifier.
notifier = NotifBot()
# Send a message with the user name :
notifier.notify("Sending a message using the user name.", str_user='Tristan')
# Likewise, the notify instance method can be used to send a message on a public channel.
notifier.notify("Sending a message on a public channel.", str_user='projet')
# Alternatively we can get the channel ID to reuse it everytime, which is simpler when the user name is ambiguous.
str_channel = notifier.get_user_id('Tristan')
# Send a message with the channel ID.
notifier.notify("Sending a message using the channel ID.", str_channel='DJ2A424H1')
# %% Deleting messages.
for i in range(0, 5):
notifier.notify("Message n{}".format(i), str_channel=str_channel)
# pop_chat delete the last message in the conversation.
# Or we can use an index (the index is starting from the end).
notifier.pop_chat(str_channel, index=2)
# Here the index 2 was the message n1.
# purge_chat delete all messages in the conversation.
# To delete message on a public channel, it is a bit more complicated as a bot cannot do it,
# You have to use a user token. If the user token has been provided during the set up (or added after) :
str_channel = notifier.get_user_id('projet')
notifier.purge_chat(str_channel, bl_public=True)
# %% Progress bars
str_channel = notifier.get_user_id('Tristan')
# For now, the progress bar is automatically converted to percentages...
notifier.progress(str_name='spb_1', str_title='Main process', int_total=10, str_channel=str_channel)
# progress_update update the progress bar from its last value
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=2)
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=2)
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=2)
# progress_value set the progress bar to a specific value
notifier.progress_value('spb_1', 3)
# progress_log can be used to keep track of events
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=2)
notifier.progress_log('spb_1', 'Phase 2', bl_stack_log=True)
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=2)
notifier.progress_log('spb_1', 'Phase 3', bl_stack_log=True)
# bl_stack_log allows to deleted older logs
notifier.progress_update('spb_1', int_value=3)
notifier.progress_log('spb_1', 'Done', bl_stack_log=False)
# deleting a progress bar
# %% Example :
notifier.progress('spb_main', 'Main process', 3, str_channel)
for i in range(1, 4):
notifier.progress_log('spb_main', 'Phase {}'.format(i), bl_stack_log=True)
notifier.progress('spb_sub{}'.format(i), 'Subprocess n{}'.format(i), 10, str_channel)
for j in range(0, 10):
notifier.progress_update('spb_sub{}'.format(i), 1)
notifier.progress_log('spb_sub{}'.format(i), 'Done', bl_stack_log=False)
notifier.progress_update('spb_main', 1)
notifier.progress_value('spb_main', 3)
notifier.progress_log('spb_main', 'Done', bl_stack_log=False)
# notifier.progress_delete('spb_main')