This extension adds shortcuts for window management.
- Move window to upper right ("northeast") corner:
Ctrl + Win + i
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-corner-ne "['<Primary><Super>i']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to upper left ("northwest") corner:
Ctrl + Win + u
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-corner-nw "['<Primary><Super>u']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to lower right ("southeast") corner:
Ctrl + Win + k
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-corner-se "['<Primary><Super>k']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to lower left ("southwest") corner:
Ctrl + Win + j
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-corner-sw "['<Primary><Super>j']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to upper half:
Ctrl + Win + UpArrow
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-half-n "['<Primary><Super>Up']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to bottom half:
Ctrl + Win + DownArrow
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-half-s "['<Primary><Super>Down']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to right half:
Ctrl + Win + RightArrow
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-half-e "['<Primary><Super>Right']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window to left half:
Ctrl + Win + LeftArrow
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/put-to-half-w "['<Primary><Super>Left']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window focus to the left ("west"):
Shift + Win + h
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/move-focus-w "['<Shift><Super>h']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window focus down ("south"):
Shift + Win + j
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/move-focus-s "['<Shift><Super>j']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window focus up ("north"):
Shift + Win + k
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/move-focus-n "['<Shift><Super>k']"
- Can be customized via:
- Move window focus to the right ("east"):
Shift + Win + l
- Can be customized via:
dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/com-troyready-quarterwindows/move-focus-w "['<Shift><Super>l']"
- Can be customized via:
An easy way to determine custom shortcut key values is to:
- Watch for dconf changes by opening a terminal and running
dconf watch /
- Set a temporary custom GNOME shortcut (Settings -> Keyboard -> View and Customize Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts)
The dconf command will display the chosen shortcut keys. Delete the shortcut and use the displayed shortcut in the above customization commands.