FRC stuff I've been up to lately:
- FRC Test: a collection of FIRST robotics stuff I'm playing with
- FRC Vision: Stuff related to the older retroreflective vision system:
- Global pose estimation and simulation, using OpenCV and stereo cameras.
- Detailed safety and sensitivity analysis of a bright monochromatic illuminator.
- Electrical design for the illuminator.
- Optic Sim: photon simulation of the vision illuminator/reflector/detector mentioned above, using CuPy to run millions of photons in reasonable time.
- FRC Tone: a Java app for the Driver Station that produces AIM-9 targeting audible tones, intended for semi-autonomous driver feedback.
- FRC Logs: a place to put RoboRIO logs recorded to USB by DataLogManager.
- FRC Analysis: an example of log analysis using Python.
- FRC Console: a modular operator console design based on Arduino, with some examples of joysticks, buttons, absolute and incremental rotary encoders, and audio output.
- FRC CAN Dissector: a Lua plugin for Wireshark that decodes FRC CAN bus messages (e.g. motor controller commands, heartbeats, etc)
- FRC CAN Logger: a Teensy (Arduino) app that listens to CAN bus messages through a Waveshare tranceiver and writes them to SD. Also a little bracket to hold the Teensy and transceiver.
- Swerve Sim: a simple simulation of swerve drive, using "perfect" forward kinematics. This would be useful for navigational simulation.
- Radar: a driver station dashboard that shows robot-centric and field-centric views of a few kinds of target poses read from Network Tables. It's an example of an NT4 app.
- Swervo: low cost swerve drive trainer, using servos for driving and steering.
Other projects:
- Power Logger: hardware and software for residential electric power measurement, using a Teensy and many CT coils.
- Rocket Instrument: hardware and software for a logging accelerometer and pressure sensor for high-power model rocketry, based on the Sparkfun Artemis platform.
- Water: hardware and software for domestic water consumption measurement, using a magnetic sensor and a conventional nutating meter.
Folk I work with:
- FRC Team 100: Woodside High School Robotics
- FRC Team 8048: East Palo Alto Robotics
Ways to contact me:
Older projects:
- Notes: stuff from 2009-2013 that I don't want to delete