An implementation of a few general purpose data structures and algorithms in plain JavaScript.
- Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Hashtable
- Tree - lookup, insert, delete
- Stacks - LinkedList Implementation
- Stacks - Array Based Implementation
- Queues
- Queue using stack
- Graph -Adjacency List Represenation
- Graph - Adjacency Matrix Represenation
- Heap - Insertion and creation using insertion approach
- Heap - Deletion and HeapSort
- Factorial-Iterative
- Factorial-Recursive
- Fibonacci- Iterative
- Fibonacci - Recursive
- Reverse A String Built-In/ Iterative/ Recursive
- Heapify - Given an array of integers, convert into max heap
- BFS ( Tree / Graph)
- DFS (Tree Traversal -InOrder, PreOder & PostOrder / Graph)
- Prim's using adj matrix
- Kruskal's using edge list